• Foresight@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    It’s almost like both sides are stupid and wrong and just wants to shout at each other without giving any solutions. Both sides just want to be right while society suffers because both sides won’t just shut the actual fuck up. Sick of feminist ideology, sick of aggressive males. Why won’t you all just shut the fuck up with your bullshit. Especially fuck your egos with your identity politics shite whether your a white nationalist tard or a blue haired woke tard.

    • Riddler@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      100% agree. Modern day society tells Men to actively express their emotions and feelings without actually providing good, logical advice that helps improves Mens lives and get them out of their depressive states.

      Instead of teaching Men to observe and regulate their emotions to become better and find purpose. Now society is encouraging to trap them in an emotional cycle where we need to be dependent on people.

      And still society wonders why so many Men are radicalised by gurus like Tate, which is also no good as it comes with mysoginistic opinions and same old conservative beliefs, how Women should be treated.

      However, whether people like Tate or not. He definetly has impacted Men and lit a fire underneath. Maybe improved individual lives. After all, Tate saw a weakness in society (Men depression and suicide) and took advantage of it for his own personal gains.

      What society needs now is actual Male Role Models. This is where ancient greek philosophy Stoism can be one of the useful solutions to this issue, which should be taught in education systems.

      • Foresight@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        I don’t like the social engineering trying to tell men what to do, how to think and how to behave.

        • Ghostc1212@sopuli.xyz
          1 year ago

          If men have no positive role models and no framework through which to interact with their emotions and their place in the world, they will find horrible role models like Andrew Tate and come up with crude and self-serving frameworks through which to view the world. Since people find religion cringe for some reason nowadays, personal philosophy and virtue ethics are now our only good option.

          • Foresight@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            How about stop trying to dictate who’s role model people follow! How about let people live their lives? If people find help and value to become better then so be it. Who are you to say he is a bad role model? Because he says things you don’t like or behaves in a way you don’t find appealing.

            • Ghostc1212@sopuli.xyz
              1 year ago

              Who are you to say he is a bad role model?

              Andrew Tate’s entire schtick is being a misogynistic chimpanzee wearing the skin of a man and bragging about how wealthy and sexually successful he is. Anybody who believes this manchild to be a good role model ought to be treated as a laughingstock, much like the man himself. Andrew Tate and people like him capturing the minds of the youth, or young people living a meaningless and depressive existence with no role models or aspirations at all, has direct negative effects on society, and therefore me as well. Therefore, I will continue to tell people to stop following shitty role models like him and to get good ones, because I wanna live in a society where people actually have standards for how they conduct themselves, instead of a society dominated by people like Andrew Tate.

              • Foresight@lemmy.ml
                1 year ago

                So bad because he wrong thinked? Tate bad because he said a word? Please if he helps young men go to the gym and improve mental health then what’s the problem but it also highlights a gaping hole in society that hasn’t been addressed and neglected by this Western woke ideology, largely the needs of males have been neglected, shunned and ignored.

              • Foresight@lemmy.ml
                1 year ago

                I mean who would of thought that feminists blocking and banning any criticism on social media and then blasting social media with kill all men, men ain’t shit etc over and over again such a positive impact on society like the climbing suicide rate! Well done, you’ve alienated at least 50% of the population.

    • graphite@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Why won’t you all just shut the fuck up with your bullshit.

      It would be nice if we all looked around at what’s happening in the world, recognized what we can change, what we can’t, accepted our differences, accepted that we’re human, tried to work together, shook hands and let the best win, whatever.

      In this climate, there are too many individual biases in place that prevent that from happening in a way that’s ideal, though - none of us are immune from that, either, unfortunately.

      We can work toward it; I’m more interested in practicality, for example, and I try to be aware of my own biases while recognizing the biases of others, without judgement - or at least, with minimal judgement that’s impersonal.

      Some people will always be harder for me to connect with than others. That doesn’t make them bad - it’s just a part of the human condition. And sometimes those connections are still very feasible.

      It’s usually ok to be “wrong”. It’s usually ok to have an opinion that doesn’t jive with the norm.

      It’s complicated. There’s many aspects of feminism that make perfect sense, and it’s more than reasonable for the issues that feminists raise to be discussed. Many (perhaps all - I don’t have a list off hand) are totally legitimate.

      There are approaches to feminism that are counter productive…or even just…cringe.

      The same could be said for almost any other political issue.

      People have been unjustifiably exploited by political issues as well.

      I think the media, in general, is problematic. We all rely on it, but it’s too powerful, and the people who have control over what it produces naturally exploit it.

      Above all, it’s best to work toward preventing external factors like the media from controlling how you think and feel.

      It’s not easy. We all succumb to it in one way or another. Sometimes it even serves a purpose.

      The more we’re aware of it, though, the less control it has.

      The media is also a tool. One that’s useful. It’s not black and white.

      In general, the more we’re aware of how a system itself is designed, and how that affects us, the better.

      I know people from many different walks of life who voted for Trump or lean more in the direction of the right; I hold nothing against them for that.

      Working toward the interests of society - the best outcome for the majority of people - would be the ideal, but in a way that’s diplomatic and didn’t involve shouting at each other over the Internet.

      We might not necessarily be in a position where we can even do that, or at least as well as we could have 10 years ago.

      That’s kind of scary.

      Anyway, maybe in your case the right thing to do is just take a deep breath; put your phone down, and do something else.

      That’s at least what I’m going to do.

      Humans definitely gonna human tho.

      Understanding that and finding a way to navigate it in a way that’s fruitful is key…

      while recognizing that, you too, are human.