last time i got a haircut the barber lady was quite cute and chatty and in the middle of the haircut, this obnoxious song came on the radio over the PA whose lyrics were quite literally i’m falling in love with a stranger repeated 50 times, crystal clear, little instrumental backing even. and of course she could feel my breathing get quicker, she’s standing one foot from me and actively working on my hair. so that wasn’t awkward at all. and i am already a very quiet person who feels shame easily so it wasn’t great. i do love having my hair long however

  • It's Maddie!
    10 months ago

    I’d been gradually coming to terms with my sexuality and being attracted to other women for a while, and was ready to take the next step and start exploring it. There’s an LGBT club nearby that had a decent reputation, and they do this thing where they cater to men one weekend and women the next. They’re not barring folks at the door or anything, it’s just that one weekend is “guys night” and the next is “girls night” etc. So it took me a couple months researching it and trying to gather up my courage, and finally I was ready to pull the trigger. Got a new dress, hair done, makeup on point, the whole nine yards, pushed down the butterflies in my stomach, and stepped out into the unknown.

    I had the wrong weekend, the club was full of gay guys.

    I found out later that they’d had a club party or something a couple weeks before, and that had thrown off the rotation and I hadn’t caught the change. I was like a deer caught in the headlights, didn’t have a clue what to do. I figured I’d nurse a drink for a little while then run back home and try to stay out of everyone’s way until then.

    Fortunately, this really nice older guy and his boyfriend noticed me (he must’ve seen the panicked look in my face) and they invited me to sit with them and some friends. They were super nice and supportive, and they really made me feel welcome, I ended up getting much more comfortable and having a fun night. They encouraged me to come back the next weekend for girls night like I’d planned, I don’t know if I would’ve if I hadn’t met them, and that next weekend I ended up meeting the girl who I’m now in a relationship with, so it all has a happy ending!

    But that first hour or so was for sure the most awkward of my entire 2023 without question!

      10 months ago

      Just wanted to say that doing what you did, putting yourself out there and sticking around even when it wasn’t girls night, was incredibly courageous. Props to you for taking the risk, and it seemed to work out great for you.

      Also, props to the other people who were so kind to you on the guys night.

    10 months ago

    I had this random surprise meeting that turned out to be with all of the managers. It was like the scene from Office Space where they’re asking what it is you do around here. Because they seemed nervous and uncomfortable it was extra awkward, and because it was a surprise and I do a lot of different things, I really wasn’t prepared to dig through it all with an audience of managers in an organized or coherent way. All around it was a ridiculous experience that should have been an email instead of a very unpleasant meeting.