• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    If there’s absolutely nothing to be done about the SC becoming more and more corrupt over decades…

    At bare minimum Id like Dem politicians to openly admit it rather than continually denying reality.

    One side only does what is explicitly allowed and has been done before, and one side will do anything even if it’s explicitly not allowed and has settled case law…

    Which side do you expect to win?

    Conservatives are willing to cheat to win, and Dems won’t even acknowledge conservatives are cheating.

    How is sticking your head in the sand and hoping it goes away the best solution our party can come up with?


    Just to stop this conversation, they should have legally challenged Obama’s pick being stolen.

    If they lost (which they wouldn’t have) because Obama only had one year left, then it would have been settled, and they could challenge when Trump did it in his last year.

    We didn’t fight for Obama’s pick. So we couldn’t fight trumps pick.

    Instead of any action, Dems picked to do nothing and let Republicans win both times.

    Most people realize this is a bad strategy, at least by now. But most saw it coming long ago