• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • There’s 100% going to be a movie on this.

    The killer frequented gay bars while having a wife and kid(s?).

    The friend of one of the victims actually suspected this guy, went home with him to investigate under the guise of a hookup.

    Was attacked and escaped by playing dead, but then since the location was rural (for being in a city, it’s just how Indiana is) he couldn’t lead cops there and the killer used a fake name.

    Years lter he saw the killer driving around, recognized him, and got the plate.

    When cops contacted the killer, he fled to Canada and killed himself, suicide note blamed a failing business.

    They just pulled the human remains, and the very first ID they got was for the friend of the guy who caught the killer…

  • Biden essentially just told the world the US has no faith in Netanyahu leadership

    I suggest you read the actual interview, although it’s hard to understand what Biden says before the media trims it into sound bites.

    Interviewer: Not at all. Some in Israel have suggested that Netanyahu is prolonging the war for his own political self-preservation. Do you believe that?

    Biden: I’m not going to comment on that. There is every reason for people to draw that conclusion. And I would cite tha as—before the war began, the blowback he was getting from the Israeli military for wanting to change the constitu—change the court. And so it’s an internal domestic debate that seems to have no consequence. And whether he would change his position or not, it’s hard to say, but it has not been helpful.


    He also blames Hamas that there’s no ceasefire:

    And whose fault is it that the that deal, the ceasefire for hostages has not been consummated? Is it Hamas or Israel or both?

    Biden: Hamas. Hamas could end this tomorrow. Hamas could say (unintelligible) and done period. And, but, and the last offer Israel made was very generous in terms of who they’d be willing to release, what they’d give in return, et cetera. Bibi is under enormous pressure on the hostages, on the hostages, and so he’s prepared to do about anything to get the hostages back.

    And denying their genocide:

    More broadly, from the intelligence in the evidence you’ve seen, either currently or in the last months, have Israeli forces committed war crimes in Gaza?

    Biden: The answer is it’s uncertain and has been investigated by the Israelis themselves. The ICC is something that we don’t, we don’t recognize. But one thing is certain, the people in Gaza, the Palestinians have suffered greatly, for lack of food, water, medicine, etc. And a lot of innocent people have been killed. But it is—and a lot of it has to do not just with Israelis, but what Hamas is doing in Israel as we speak. Hamas is intimidating that population. I went over right after that attack on the Israelis. What they did was—exceeded anything I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot. Tying mothers and daughters together with rope and pouring kerosene on it and burning them to death. That kind of thing, attempting to intimidate. And it is dastardly.

    Important note: Biden just keep repeating things that he claimed ms Hamas did, but there’s no evidence besides Israel saying “trust me bro” yet he constantly excuses Israel’s human rights abuses.

    Don’t just read the small sound bites and fill in the gaps with what you hope it meant.

    That’s what trumpets do.

  • Yep.

    And the worst part about is “make things better, for everyone” not being picked, is that would make it a lot easier to avoid “everything will get much worse”.

    Say what you want about Bill and Obama’s actions while in office, but they were charismatic as hell and ran progressive campaigns. Campaigns that easily got them into and kept them in the White House.

    Yet for some reason when Trump showed up, we have to start running candidates like Hillary and Biden?

    There’s no rational reason behind it, if the only thing that matters is beating trump, we should give the voters what they want.

    We need to run candidates who are similar to Bill and Obama, not people that just used to stand next to them a lot like their wife or VP. Charisma doesn’t just rub off on people like that.

  • I’m sorry that wasn’t clear

    I meant other presidents of America.

    Who were all able to pull Israel back.

    When Obama did it, Biden publicly called him out

    Biden recounted in private that when he was vice president in 2014 and Israel mounted a military assault on Gaza, Obama and his staff rejected his belief, held for decades, that the best way to approach the Israelis is to hug them close but not criticize them, the people familiar with his comments said.

    Instead, they said Biden has noted, Obama publicly admonished Israel’s actions and voiced concern for Palestinian civilian deaths early into the 2014 conflict. As a result, Biden has argued, Obama squandered any ability to influence the Israeli government as it invaded Gaza, said the people familiar with his comments.

    They said Biden’s message when he revisited the 2014 debate was: I was right then, and I am right now.


    The reason it’s gone this far, is Israel knows Biden will never stop supporting them. They can do whatever they want.

  • Full quote:

    Time asked Biden whether he believed Netanyahu was “prolonging the war for his own political self-preservation”.

    “I’m not going to comment on that,” the president said in response, but added: “There is every reason for people to draw that conclusion.”

    But he still won’t even fucking say it…

    And people are already trying to frame this as him being “tough” on Israel.

    No matter what happens, no matter what atrocities they commit, Biden will always be loyal to Israel over all else.

    Which should be immediately disqualifying for president of America, for reasons that should be obvious by now.

  • The myth that if you put enough men together in one place that they will automatically start becoming toxic is

    Not what I’m talking about about.

    I’m saying men can just use the “default” ways to get help.

    So while a “men only” safe space may start out beneficial, eventually more and more extreme views will be oresented. Which over time will drive off the normal men who started the community.

    Because they still have default paths for help.

    This concentrates the crazy, as more normals leave, it moves the tone of the space, which leads to either more normal men leaving, or staying and becoming radicalized.

    And even the ones that leave later, are leaving a little worse than they showed up. They’re taking that change of tone back out in public. And effecting the default tone as well

    I understand where you’re coming from, but you’re not thinking it all the way thru.

    Good intentions, bad plans.

    And this isn’t my hypothetical either, this is how most incel communities are created.

    I’ll find a source and edit it in if you haven’t replied yet.


    I can’t find a source on it now.

    But what I’m remembering was a discussion on how the literal r/mensrights sub became so radicalized.

    It started out with decent normal men who were discussing things like custody rights.

    But because they wanted it to be about men’s right and empowerment in general, they let people talk about other stuff. As more and more extremists showed up, the original members slowly left. It was a “frog boil” where those extremist views slowly became the default.

    The more I think about it, the more I think it might be like a John Oliver or Jon Stewart segment and not an article.

    But trying to search isn’t getting me anything, if I specify the sub in the search, I just get results from the sub about bullshit.

    So hopefully my explanation makes sense.

  • While there is some credence for that, it’s not like it only applies to fascists.

    Yet they always get preferential treatment at trial.

    Regardless of if that’s like Trump’s case where he appointed the judge, or this one where the other party appointed the judge.

    In both situations, the judges are more lenient with fascists than literally any other demographic.

    trump isnt the only example, look at all the 1/6 trials.

    Our justice system has a bias towards fascists, and regardless of the reasoning of the person showing the bias, they all believe it’s justified for one reason or another.

    And it’s always the wrong strategy when dealing with fascists.