I’m not with the other guy, but America is a neoliberal imperial empire. They have had multiple colonial territories that they’ve prevented from both independence and statehood, and are involved in the politics, economies, and militaries of countries all over the world where we use our weight to get more favorable terms for ourselves and dictate the course of that nation/state/country’s history. We constantly exploit various areas for the resources they provide with indifference to the effect of local people. We are one of the pinnacles of this style of technocratic, neofeudalist, neocolonial, imperial, plutocratic government. I’m not going to comment on fascism but it’s not exactly difficult to showcase both contemporaneously and historiographically that the United States has a bit of a fascism issue.
Yet another war crime apologist!
See, a war crime is when Americans kill civilians. China and Russia are allowed to kill civilians, that’s different.
At least you probably understand why you and your scummy lookalikes can’t convince anyone.
I’m not with the other guy, but America is a neoliberal imperial empire. They have had multiple colonial territories that they’ve prevented from both independence and statehood, and are involved in the politics, economies, and militaries of countries all over the world where we use our weight to get more favorable terms for ourselves and dictate the course of that nation/state/country’s history. We constantly exploit various areas for the resources they provide with indifference to the effect of local people. We are one of the pinnacles of this style of technocratic, neofeudalist, neocolonial, imperial, plutocratic government. I’m not going to comment on fascism but it’s not exactly difficult to showcase both contemporaneously and historiographically that the United States has a bit of a fascism issue.
nobody was talking about war crimes, why are westerners so fond of them? also, where tf was china supposedly killing civilians?
In our Reddit feeds.