I’m not saying the worst, otherwise I would need to include the star wars sequels or transformers movies… Just some really dumb movie that somehow got praised.

For me has to be Ready Player One. That movie message is so “uhuh” obvious that is stupid, the whole nerd that saves the world in a thing that otherwise would be useless to know in real life… The so over the top evil gaming corporation. The whole 80s and 90s movies and games references get old after half an hour… And it’s so pandering towards the geeks and nerds, they really want the viewer feeling really cool for knowing that is the Shining hallway, or that is a Monty python reference… Or look a GUNDAM! YOU’RE SO COOL FOR COLLECTING THOSE GUN PLA! Look we have also overwatch and halo in the background! You’re so cool modern gamer!

Also the obviously attractive “nerd” hacker girl that thinks she’s ugly and deformed for having a small hard to see red tint in one side of her pretty face… Cmon man. In no universe anyone would think that actress is ugly.

And the message at the end is so hilarious: Look man, you’re cool for getting these references and being a real gamer is cool, but go outside more!

Is like the creators have no self awareness.

  • tobogganablaze@lemmus.org
    4 months ago

    I’ve recently come to terms with the fact that I guess I’ve just grown out of Star Wars. When you strip away all of the nostalgia

    Very true. Rewatching stuff later with a new perspective certainly changes things.

    I don’t think any of the originals (or prequels) hold up at all.

    That is where I disagree. THe orginals do hold up, because Starwars was about classic adventure story. The character of Luke Skywalker. The original trilogoy (and there are quality differences between the eopisodes) overall get this right. It’s the sort of timless story, just with a spin on it beeing a sci-fi world.

    The prequels and sequels completley missed that aspect of basic stoytelling. The OT stands out as a piece of revolutionary cinema, where the prequels are an elaborate ad to sell more Starwars toys.

    • thrawn@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      where the prequels are an elaborate ad to sell more Starwars toys

      This is clearly not true, Lucas cared a lot about his story and universe. I say this hoping it helps effectively communicate points later: statements like that detract from your premise because they’re obviously false to an audience that knows and cares. It would be better (from a rhetorical standing) to double down on the poor storytelling allegations by acknowledging it as true instead, then going on to say that they were cinematic incoherence regardless.

      I haven’t seen a single one of the prequels in over a decade except RotS (which I thought was an interesting story but a poorly made film), but my dislike of the prequels is because they’re not good movies. My dislike of the sequels is that they were not good and were made to maximize profits.

      THe orginals do hold up, because Starwars was about classic adventure story. The character of Luke Skywalker… It’s the sort of timless story, just with a spin on it beeing a sci-fi world… The prequels and sequels completley missed that aspect of basic stoytelling.

      This is where I completely disagree. Movies should not be aiming to do only the classic adventure story over and over again, and the prequels weren’t bad because of the story. They actually had a pretty classic story too: an evil being corrupts a well-meaning but slow-to-react institution filled with self serving or incompetent representatives by manufacturing conflict to seize power. All the while the forces of good are distracted and unfocused by the chaos— and too sure that their institutions will not bend to tyranny— until it is too late. With a solid director, the prequels could have been excellent, and also perhaps a prophetic warning about complacent democracies.

      • tobogganablaze@lemmus.org
        4 months ago

        This is clearly not true, Lucas cared a lot about his story and universe.

        AHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Oh wait, your’re serious. Let me laugh even harder.

        Movies should not be aiming to do only the classic adventure story over and over again, and the prequels weren’t bad because of the story.

        Right. Movies shouldn’t. But Starwars should. But that’s not even the main issue. The prequels are just terribly written, no matter what genre they were supossed to be. Bad story, terrible characters with no development, inchorent and self condtradictory and padded with stupidly long and boring action scences. They are just bad movies. A director couldn’t have fixed that, they would need a complete rewrite.