My city is in the middle of the worst drought in recorded history. My showers are typically under 2 minutes and I have to shower with a bucket to catch otherwise wasted water to use to flush the toilet. I also shut the water down when I am wet enough so I can scrub myself without having unneeded water flowing then start it back up to rinse.

Plus, water is damn expensive!

Who here really has the time to stand, think and waste in the shower?

  • Possibly
    3 months ago

    It is very expensive in dry places with less water. Where I live there it is a tiered system where the more water you use the more expensive it becomes. Right now we aren’t in a drought so the tiers are quite large but when it starts becoming dry then the tier shrinks and water prices go up. They are put laws in place that only allow you to water your lawn during specific times. The city also runs programs to get people to plant native grasses that will do well with low amounts of water.