• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.mlOP
    2 months ago

    I told you i live in a social democratic welfare state. Education is free for all citizens. But I’m sure you have a degree in economics and know better. Right?

    I know plenty of people with degrees in my industry who can’t tell their head from their ass. Having a degree doesn’t mean you actually understand what you’re talking about, and the fact that you can’t make a coherent point here is proof of that.

    We see different crashes in different sectors, in different countries for reasons so much more complex than i can explain to you here. You’re talking full on course material. Not that you would care to listen anyway.

    The specific reasons for each crash are different, however we’re discussing underlying mechanics that lead to these crashes happening on regular basis. If you actually learned anything when you earned your degree, then you’d understand that. You might want to think about why China hasn’t been experiencing such crashes over the past decades.

    This is proof of how you are being dishonest when you keep referring to “the west” and “the capitalist system”. You’ve been on lemmy preaching this stuff for how long exactly?

    The proof is that you haven’t actually managed to make a coherent argument here. I gave you detailed examples of the mechanics that create short term thinking within capitalism. You just ignored that and keep repeating nonsense smugly.

    And that is another fantastic “nuh uh. You are!” What a response.


    • Atomic@sh.itjust.works
      2 months ago

      Yeah you have not interest in anything that has to do with reason.

      Underlying mechanics. Such as what exactly? What underlying mechanic are you referring to that is the same everywhere? You want so badly to dumb it down to a level you can understand but it’s just not that simple.

      You’re trying to derive a problem without considering that you might just have more than 1 root.

      And I’ve explained to you the mechanic of “short term investing to maximize profits” are just buzzwords you use. Like a child saying words they hear on TV without understanding their meaning.

      Can you for once actually be specific? What industry? What country?

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.mlOP
        2 months ago

        I see you have problems with reading comprehension, which explains a lot about the way you attempt to argue with people. Here’s an article that you won’t bother reading with lots of specific examples, focusing on the US, but applicable to all countries under financial capitalist regimes.


        It’s hilarious how you keep screeching for detailed and specific examples while you’ve already ignored detailed explanations you were provided. You haven’t made any actual argument here, no counterpoints, and just keep bleating how you “live in a social democratic welfare state”, which is what using buzzwords in place of an argument actually looks like.

        You’re utterly clueless, and you’re not fooling anybody here.

        • Atomic@sh.itjust.works
          2 months ago

          So you are focusing on the US in particular. And no. All information here is not applicable to all countries in “the west”*

          The US has a long history of non regulatory practices. Yes. They have plenty of short sighted companies that thrive on short term high risk strategies to gain fast expansion to which they can then fall to for more controlled growth (at least that’s supposed to be the plan). Partly due to how bankruptcy laws and business loans are stipulated.

          The consequence of failing dramatically isn’t that severe. You can just try again.

          But this falls back to what you seemingly cannot comprehend. “The west” is not the US. The US is not “The west”.

          And US have plenty of companies that are very boring and engadge in long term plans where short term losses are accepted as part of long term growth. But like I’ve said. You won’t find them in your feed because it’s incredibly boring and normal. Just like you don’t read in the news about Jonathan that had 2 sandwiches for breakfast. It’s not newsworthy.

          You’ve offered very little explanation of anything. More akin to. “It’s this way because I say so, oh and its the underlying mechanic of all global trade everywhere”, I’m not sure why you’re trying to claim i don’t put in any arguments. There is plenty of them. But you elect to not adress any and default to some kind of insult because you have nothing to respond with.

          I’m not screeching for details. I’m asking you to provide any at all. You speak in these globally broad terms because hey, at least they will apply somewhere. But things are just not that simple.

          My reading comprehension is just fine. But if you have nothing but insults to strike back with. That says more about you than me.

          *I assume you consider all countries in “the west” and by “the west” I also assume you mean every country located west of Russia and North of South America. Feel free to correct me if that assumption is wrong.