• Boomers are having their last dance in charge.
  • Gen X leaders are stepping up to replace the last of them.
  • Younger leaders are taking charge of politics and corporate giants such as Boeing, HSBC, and Costco.
  • Aceticon@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    As a member of Generation X, I would say that it’s not going to be much better.

    Just look at, say, Elon Musk as an example of the kind of people from my generation who get to positions of influence.

    Most GenX are the product of the Neoliberal era, so have interiorized the whole “lookout for numero uno” idea of how to be in society and whilst commonly aware of things like Climate Change, they’re usually unwilling to inconvenience themselves for the sake of fighting against it, quite the contrary even (just look at how well SUVs sell), and similarly when it comes to Consumerism, they seem to be the most prone to wasteful consumption (the kind of people who replace their mobile phones every year or two).

    In summary, Gen X generally are more well informed than Boomers but even less principled than them.

    • RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Probably a product more of age than of generational specificity.

      You get used to your comforts, you probably have investments, you’re consumed by trying to get ahead enough so that you don’t have to die at your job, just in a nursing home what takes all of your money.

      Gen X myself, and maybe an outlier, but I’ve probably become more radical as I’ve aged rather than the other way around. I’ve been stuck being poor for decades before finally “making it”, and that has really driven home the awareness of how fragile it all is. That, and just general omnivorous reading that includes a lot of depressing scientific literature regarding climate change. It’s terrifying.

      I vote for the left (I would have happily voted for Sanders), support local measures and politicians that lean towards social policy and move towards things like green power, etc.

      So yeah…not necessarily a thing you can just pin on a generation, though each generation will have some stronger proclivities than others in certain areas. The millennials will have to watch out, they’re next to fall for circling the wagons to protect whatever they might have, hate on their gen’s billion- or trillionaires.

      • Chakravanti@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        We won’t be next because no one will be. Prove me wrong. Good fucking luck. You won’t acknowledge what must be done.

  • computerscientistII@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    Kamala was born in 64. She’s a boomer. Also, GTFO with Generation Jones. She’s a boomer. X-ers are those who came after the pill became omnipresent after the mid 60s. I am one of those (born in 77). We are relatively few in numbers in comparison to the boomers. Because of the pill. Also GTFO with Generation Jones. She’s a boomer.

    Trump and Biden also aren’t boomers. They predate the boomers. They were born during or shortly after WW2. That’s usually called the silent generation. Trump being part of the silent generation is of course ridiculous. But he’s the exception of the rule, I guess. But both are born very late in that generation, so they are its last remnants I guess. Soon they will all be gone.

    • merc@sh.itjust.works
      2 months ago

      We are relatively few in numbers in comparison to the boomers

      That’s not true. The birth rate dropped slightly from the low 20s per 1000 in the 40s to the mid-60s, then dropped to the high teens in the Gen X era. Relatively few in numbers implies that there were twice as many boomers or something. The reality is that there were about 75 million baby boomers births, and about 65 million Gen X.

      Trump is a boomer (1946, same year as Clinton and Bush), Biden is a “silent generation” guy, born before the end of WWII. He’s actually the first (and presumably last) Silent Generation president. The ones before him were all boomers or “greatest” generation.

      • computerscientistII@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        While those facts might not be wrong in your neck of the woods, they are at least very, very US centric. That is of course ok, as we are talking about the US candidates here. But generally, keep in mind that the world is way bigger than the US. You make up a whole of 4% of the world’s population. And those numbers all vary from country to country.

        • merc@sh.itjust.works
          2 months ago

          The article and the discussion was US-centric. I’m aware things are different outside the US. I don’t live in the US. I’m merely pointing out that for an American to think that the baby boom was some kind of massive shift in population that means the number of boomers dwarfs any other generation is wrong.