I use vmware and qemu
Virtmanager and qemu/kvm
Qemu/KVM and Virt Manager. I have three VMs that I pass my GPU to: a Hackintosh, a Windows 10, and and Windows 7.
I never found a way to share a Public folder with VirtManager though, I need to move files between host and guest. How would you go about it?
I go to the host folder I want to transfer files from and run ‘’’python3 -m http.server’’’. Then (I can’t remove if I use ‘’’ip a’’’ to find the IP address of the host or if I used mDNS), I use the guest web browser to download files.
And here I have just been using samba.
KVM + Qemu + libvirt + virt-manager = ❤️
None, I use Docker for Linux, and Proton (Heroic) for Windows.
But if I had to pick a virtual machine: libvirt with virt-manager as a frontend, which uses KVM for virtualization.
From my other comment:
Then I created a Docker image with Linux, Gnome, and novnc so I can spin one up instantly with little resource overhead and control it from any web browser.
Maybe I should release my Dockerfile.
i’m listening.
Owned by Oracle. Stay away from Oracle.
It also taints the kernel with a useless module and doesn’t really offer much in the way of features over plain old kvm qemu