<< Episode i: outline << Episode ii: installing Debian

In this episode: installing Docker containers (and making them actually work)

This episode comes so soon after installing the OS because (a) I dove right in and rebooted into the new install permanently so I needed to restore functionality and (b) when it comes right down to it docker is a lot less complicated than it was made out to be.

First, a short beginner intro to Docker

Docker is a way of taking a service (something like Plex) and making it work in a virtual machine inside the real server machine. But where a regular virtual machine emulates everything from scratch (CPU, GPU, disks, RAM), docker uses the resources of the actual machine, but splits them into containers that are isolated from the host as well as from each other.

Why? Several reasons:

  • If someone breaks into one of your services, they only reach the fake machine that service runs on, not the real machine, and not any of the other containers.
  • It’s very easy to restore such a container in case of machine reinstall, using magical recipe files called “docker compose yaml” files. So if my machine blows up I just need to reinstall stock Debian stable and use the magical recipes.
  • The containers make use of pre-made images of Linux OS, but they share them among themselves, so if you have 10 containers they’ll probably all use the same Linux image, not download it 10 times.
  • You can try out server software without worrying you’ll mess up your host machine. Or use a second configurations with the same image in a second container without worrying you’ll mess up the first one.

Some simple Docker commands:

  • docker-compose up -d: run this into the same dir as a magical yaml file to create a container for the first time.
  • docker stop cups, docker start cups, docker restart cups will stop/start/restart the cups container.
  • docker container list shows all containers you’ve created.
  • docker rm cups removes the cups container (if it’s not running).
  • docker image list shows the software images that the containers are using.
  • docker rmi olbat/cupsd will remove the olbat/cupsd image, but only if the cups container that is based on it has been removed (and stopped).
  • docker exec cups ls /etc/cups will execute a command inside the container. You can execute /bin/sh or /bin/bash to explore inside the container machine.
  • ctop is a nice tool that will show you all containers and let you start/stop/restart them.

What I installed on the host machine

There are some things that you still need to add to a fresh Debian install in order to use docker:

  • docker, obviously, which on Debian is called docker.io.
  • ctop is a nice CLI tool that shows your containers and lets you do stuff with them (stop, start, restart, enter shell, view logs etc.) It’s basically a simple CLI version of Portainer.

The following are indirectly related to services inside docker containers:

  • vainfo to verify that GPU-accelerated video encoding/decoding is working for AMD and Intel GPUs. This will be useful for many media streaming containers. See the Arch wiki for more.
  • avahi (which is avahi-daemon on Debian) and avahi-dnsconfd will help autodiscover some services on LAN between Linux machines. Only applicable if you have more than one Linux machine on your LAN, of course, and only to some services (eg. CUPS).

To these I added the following which I mentioned during install too:

  • SSH server so I can login into the machine remotely.
  • NFS server so I can share the NAS RAID arrays with Linux desktop machines so they can save their files to a redundant storage.

Some tips about Docker

  • Should you use Docker or Podman? If you’re a beginner just use Docker. It’s a lot less headache. Yes, there are good reasons to use Podman but trust me, you don’t want the headache right now. You can easily transition into Podman later if you want.
  • Use restart: "always" in your compose yaml and save yourself unnecessary trouble. Some people try to micromanage their containers and end up writing sysctl scripts for each of them and so on and so forth. With this restart policy your containers will stay stopped if stopped manually, but will start each time the docker daemon [re]starts, which most likely means at boot, which is probably all you want right now.
  • The one docker issue that will give you the most trouble is mapping users from the real machine to the container machine and back. You want the service in the container to run as a certain user, and maybe you want to give it access to some files or devices on the real machine too. But some docker images were made by bad people who apparently don’t understand how Linux permissions work. A good docker image will let you specify what users and groups it needs to work with (emby is a very good example). A bad one will make up some UID and GID that’s completely unrelated to anything on your machine; for such images you can try to force them to use root (UID and GID 0) but that deleted a good chunk of the benefits a container was supposed to give you. So when looking for images see if they have a description, and if it mentions any UID and GID mapping. Otherwise you will probably have a bad time.
  • How do you find (good) docker images? On hub.docker.com, just search for what you need (eg. “cups”). I suggest sorting images by most recently updated, and have a look at how many downloads it has too; then check out the description as I said above.

Enough talk, let’s see some containers

One last thing before we get to the good stuff. I made a dir on my RAID array, /mnt/array/docker where I make one subdir for each service (eg. /mnt/array/docker/cups), where I keep the magical yaml (compose.yaml) for each service, and sometimes I map config files from the container, so they persist even if the container is deleted. I also use git in those dirs to keep track of the changes to the yaml files.


Emby is a media server, like Plex, but I use it because it doesn’t force you to go through Plex servers. So it’s actually self-hosted and independent.

Here’s the compose.yaml, explanations below:

version: "2.3"
    image: emby/embyserver
    container_name: emby
    #runtime: nvidia # for NVIDIA GPUs
    #network_mode: host # to enable DLNA and Wake-on-Lan
      - UID=1000 # The UID to run emby as
      - GID=100 # The GID to run emby as
      - GIDLIST=100,44,105 # groups for /dev/dri/* devices
      - "./data:/config" # emby data dir
      - "/mnt/nas/array/multimedia:/mnt/nas/array/multimedia"
      - "8096:8096/tcp" # HTTP port
      - "8920:8920/tcp" # HTTPS port
      - "/dev/dri:/dev/dri" # VAAPI/NVDEC/NVENC render nodes
    restart: always
  • version is the compose yaml specification version. Don’t worry about this.
  • services and emby defines the service for this container.
  • image indicates what image to download from the docker hub.
  • container_name will name your container, normally you’d want this to match your service (and for me the dir I put this in).
  • runtime is only relevant if you have an Nvidia GPU, for accelerated transcoding. Mine is Intel so… More details on the emby image description.
  • network_mode: host will expose the container networking directly to the host machine. In this case you don’t need to manually map the ports anymore. As it says, this is only needed for some special stuff like DLNA or WoL (and not even then, I achieve DLNA for example with BubbleUPnP Server without resorting to host mode.
  • environment does what I mentioned before. This is a very nicely behaved and well written docker image that not only lets you map the primary UID and GID but also adds a list of extra GUIDs because it knows we need to access /dev devices that are owned by 3rd party users like video and render. Very nice.
  • volumes maps dirs or files from the local real machine to the container. The config dir holds everything about Emby (settings, cache, data) so I map it outside of the container to keep it. When I installed this container I pointed it to the location of my old Emby stuff from the previous install and It Just Worked.
  • devices similarly maps device files.
  • ports maps the network ports that the app is listening on.
  • restart remember what I said about this above.


Let’s look at another nicely made docker image. Deluge is a BitTorrent client, what we put in the docker container is actually just the server part. The server can deal with the BT uploads/download, but needs an UI app to manage it. The UI apps can be installed on your phone for example (I like Transdroid) but the deluge server also includes a web interface on port 8112.

version: "2.1"
    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/deluge:latest
    container_name: deluge
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - DELUGE_LOGLEVEL=error
      - "/mnt/nas/array4/docker/deluge/config:/config"
      - "/mnt/nas/array/deluge:/downloads"
      - "8112:8112/tcp" # web UI
      - "60000:60000/tcp" # BT transfers
      - "60000:60000/udp" # BT transfers
      - "58846:58846/tcp" # daemon remote control (for Transdroid)
    restart: always

Most of this is covered above by emby so I won’t repeat everything, just the important distinctions:

  • Notice how environment lets you choose what UID and GUID to work as.
  • I use volumes to map out the dir with the actual downloads, as well as map all the deluge config dir locally so I can save it across container resets/reinstalls.
  • The ports need to be defined in the deluge config (which you can do via the web UI or edit the config directly) before you map them here. IIRC these are the defaults but please check.


Navidrome is a music indexer and streaming server (sort of like your own Spotify). It’s follows the Subsonic spec so any client app that works with Subsonic will work with Navidrome (I like Substreamer). It also includes a web UI.

version: "3"
    image: deluan/navidrome:latest
    container_name: navidrome
      ND_LOGLEVEL: info
      ND_BASEURL: ""
      ND_PORT: 4533
      ND_DATAFOLDER: /data
      ND_MUSICFOLDER: /music
      - "./data:/data"
      - "/mnt/nas/array/music:/music:ro"
      - "4533:4533/tcp"
    restart: "always"

Again, mostly self-explanatory:

  • Environment settings are nice but this image stopped short of allowing UID customization and just said fuck it and ran as root by default. Nothing to do here, other than go look for a nicer image.
  • I mapped the config/cache/data folder locally so I save it between resets, and the music is shared read-only.


This server can do some interesting things. It’s bread and butter is DLNA. It has a companion Android app called, you guessed it, BubbleUPnP which acts as a DLNA controller. The server part here can do local transcoding so the Android phone doesn’t have to (subject to some caveats, for example the phone, the DLNA source and the Bubble server need to be on the same LAN; and it can only transcode one stream at a time). It can also identify media providers (like Emby or Plex) on the LAN and media renderers (like Chromecast or Home Mini speaker) and DLNA-enable them so they appear in the Buuble app!

version: "3.3"
    image: bubblesoftapps/bubbleupnpserver-openj9-leap
    container_name: bubbleupnpserver
    network_mode: "host"
    user: "0:0"
      - "/dev/dri:/dev/dri:rw"
      - "./data/configuration.xml:/opt/bubbleupnpserver/configuration.xml:rw"
    restart: "always"
  • network_mode is host because this server needs to interact with lots of things on the LAN automagically.
  • user forces the server to run as root. This is bad, because the image uses a completely made up UID and GID, there’s no way to customize it, and it needs to access /dev/dri which are restricted to video and render groups to access GPU-accelerated transcoding. So using root is the only solution here (short of looking for a nicer image).
  • I map the configuration file outside the container so it’s saved across reset/reinstalls.


Normally I’d install samba on the host machine but Debian wanted me to install like 30 packages for that so I said nah let’s use a container. Oh how much fun that was.

version: "2.3"
    image: twistify/anonymous-samba
    container_name: samba
      - "./etc/samba:/etc/samba:ro"
      - "/mnt/nas/array:/mnt/nas/array"
      - "445:445/tcp" # SMB
      - "139:139/tcp" # NetBIOS
    restart: "always"

Normally this should be a simple enough setup, and it is simple as far as docker is concerned. Map some ports, map the config files, map the array so you can give out shares, done. But the image doesn’t offer UID customization and just runs as root.

For reference I give the /etc/samba/smb.conf here too because I know it’s tricky. This one only offers anonymous read-only shares, which mainly worked out of the box (hence why I stuck to this image in spite of the root thing).

   workgroup = WORKGROUP
   log file = /dev/stdout
   security = user
   map to guest = Bad User
   log level = 2
   browseable = yes
   read only = yes
   create mask = 666
   directory mask = 555
   guest ok = yes
   guest only = yes
   force user = root


You can add your own shares aside from [iso], as long as the paths are mapped in the yaml.

Notice the ugly use of root.


CUPS is a printer server, which I need because the printer is connected via USB to the server and I want to be able to print from my desktop machine.

version: "2.3"
    image: aguslr/cups:latest
    container_name: cups
    privileged: "yes"
      - CUPS_USER=admin
      - CUPS_PASS=admin
      - "/dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb" # keep this under volumes, not devices
      - "/run/dbus:/run/dbus"
      - "631:631/tcp" # CUPS
    restart: "always"

The docker setup is not terribly complicated if you overlook things like /dev/bus/usb needing to be a volume mapping not a device mapping, or the privileged mode.

CUPS is complicated because it’s a complex beast, so I’ll try to add some pointers below (mostly unrelated to docker):

  • You can use lpstat -p inside the host to check if CUPS know about your printer, and /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb to check if it knows about the USB printer in particular.
  • You need CUPS on both the server and the desktop machine you want to print from. You need to add the printer on both of them. The CUPS interface will be at :631 on both of them, for printer management on the server the user+pass is admin:admin as you can see above, on the desktop machine God only knows (typically “root” and its password, or the password of the main user).
  • So the server CUPS will probably detect the USB printer and have drivers for it, this image did for mine (after I figured out the USB bus snafu). You need to mark the printer as shared!
  • …but in order for the desktop machine to detect the printer you need to do one more thing: install Avahi daemon and dnsconfd packages on both machines because that’s the stuff that actually makes it easy for the desktop machine to autodetect the remote printer.
  • …and don’t rely on the drivers from the server, the desktop machine needs its own drivers, which it may or may not have. For my printer (Brother HL-2030) I had to install an AUR package on desktop – and then the driver showed up when setting up the printer in the desktop CUPS.

Like I said, this is just CUPS shenanigans not particularly related to docker.

See you next time with more docker recipes! As usual any and all comments and suggestions are welcome, including “omg you’re so dumb, that thing could be done easier like this”.

  • macallik@kbin.social
    10 months ago

    Thanks for sharing, I didn’t know about ctop.

    I installed Debian on a laptop to use as a server, and planned to use it for Firefly III among other things, but got nervous hearing how tough it was/is to lock down a server.