• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • If you were 100% specific you would be effectively writing the code yourself. But you don’t want that, so you’re not 100% specific, so it makes up the difference. The result will include an unspecified percentage of code that does not fit what you wanted.

    It’s like code Yahtzee, you keep re-rolling this dice and that dice but never quite manage to get the exact combination you need.

    There’s an old saying about computers, they don’t do what you want them to do, they do what you tell them to do. They can’t do what you don’t tell them to do.

  • That’s weird, I have a laptop that probably even weaker (Pentium 2020M with 4 GB of RAM) that used to run Ubuntu fairly ok until about 4 years ago (but it has a SSD).

    It’s now running Manjaro pretty well, just can’t compile some Rust-based apps because it runs out of RAM. 😄 But I get them from Flatpak instead.

    If Ubuntu went off the rails during these last few years it’s a pity. Anyway, it should not be indicative of how well Linux runs on such a machine, just try another distro.

  • And here’s some of mine: https://lemmy.world/comment/10439242

    I grow weary of Manjaro detractors because the malice is always there. You can’t make up your mind whether you hate the developers or what they do. You hate episodes like the “AUR DDoS” without knowing all the facts, or considering how shitty AUR infrastructure is that if a pigeon landed on the roof it would go down, so in the same breath you condemn Manjaro for “AUR incompatibility” and for promoting AUR and for “DDoS”-ing it. I mean pick a lane.

    But mostly it’s just the hate that always seeps through that bothers me, not the content (which is the same inane stuff on manjarno over and over). What kind of person defines themselves by hate for something they don’t even use? There’s a million distros out there, there’s something for everybody. You’re not Inigo Montoya, get over it, Jesus. There was a root exploit unfixed in Debian for a while, do you hate them too? Can you imagine the reactions if there were a root exploit in Manjaro? Is any of this irony getting through?

  • You can’t do machine learning without tons of data and processing power.

    Commercial “AI” has been built on fucking over everything that moves, on both counts. They suck power at alarming rates, especially given the state of the climate, and they blatantly ignore copyright and privacy.

    FOSS tends to be based on a philosophy that’s strongly opposed to at least some of these methods. To start with, FOSS is build around respecting copyright and Microsoft is currently stealing GitHub code, anonymizing it, and offering it under their Copilot product, while explicitly promising companies who buy Copilot that they will insulate them from any legal downfall.

    So yeah, some people in the “Linux space” are a bit annoyed about these things, to put it mildly.

    Edit: but, to address your concerns, there’s nothing to be gained by rushing head-first into new technology. FOSS stands to gain nothing from early adoption. FOSS is a cultural movement not a commercial entity. When and if the technology will be practical and widely available it will be incorporated into FOSS. If it won’t be practical or will be proprietary, it won’t. There’s nothing personal about that.