• Cataphract@lemmy.ko4abp.com
    1 year ago

    Nice to see you showing your ass on a pedantic post like this.

    outside of niche hobbyists or being used for work related activities/storage is nonsense

    oh look, you fit the exact description I referred to! The context of this conversation is about a mass land development, try to fucking think about it.

    No, not adding a shed, extending my garage/shop… perfect concrete with a drain.

    perfect concrete?.. you do know a drain has to lead somewhere right? Into the surrounding area which if it was all developed like you’ve done would cause problems. “Slapping” refers to adding on or new but I see I hit a nerve talking about your “bestest shed”. Would be interesting to see the videos but I try not to support creators who are assholes and your descriptive reply does nothing for the conversation. Again, you’re helping prove the point that a few anecdotal observations isn’t the norm or recommended but seems to get upvotes. Continue arguing on though, love to see the hot gas pouring out of more than a hawt dog furnace.

    • somedaysoon@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Into the surrounding area which if it was all developed like you’ve done would cause problems.

      You just can’t help but talk out of your ass about things you know nothing about, huh?

      Again, you’re helping prove the point that a few anecdotal observations isn’t the norm

      And you’re again proving the point that you’re dogshit at reading comprehension. No one made the claim that it is the norm, the claim was, “Sometimes, the garage is more than 60% of the whole house.”

      • Cataphract@lemmy.ko4abp.com
        1 year ago

        You’re really latching onto that sometimes bit hard aren’t you?

        the context of this post is about upvoting incorrect information, and downvoting correct information.

        …information about… come on… you almost got it. I’m glad you learned about catch basins, unfortunate that you believe it negates any water run-off. You do have an outlet from the basin right? Is this a magical abyss of a basin that catches all the run off from your 3k sq ft structures and you think it’ll never fill up?

        I see you’re already engaging with the OP and admitted to having horrible reading comprehension since you couldn’t discern the original intent of the post. But then you continue on with the SoMEtIMEs!! rhetoric. As you’ve stated, you’re a niche land owner who is ACTIVELY adding on to an already oversized shed, your land wasn’t originally developed that way nor is that a practice that’s done without an active home owner who has stated those needs to the builders. No one is going around developing 60%, sOmETiMeS! people add on as is their right after purchasing. Love your use of picking and choosing through the argument, truly impressive.

        • somedaysoon@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          You’ve proven yourself to be a know-nothing blowhard over and over by now… so it should come as no surprise when I tell you this, but… I think you’re a fool, and I don’t consider your opinion whatsoever. Honestly, you should probably get some help based on how adamantly you refuse to admit wrong when it’s been quite obvious. Might be some underlying issues there. In any event, stay mad about being called out or learn from this, grow, and be happy. I have better things to do than argue with a confidently wrong blowhard that is continually arguing tangents to delay the inevitable of facing reality and admitting they are wrong. You’ve embarrassed yourself enough, you’ve wasted enough of my time. Deuces!