Are you ever done a social media detox ?

How to do it ? Do i need to delete all my accounts including decentralized pixelfed,matrix,lemmy,mastodon,etc ?

Also what am going to get after doing this ?

After doing a digital detox is there any chance to return to the platforms and if i return to social media will i lose what am gained ?

How long should i keep doing this ?

If any body have a full vision about social media detox please share it with me.

    1 year ago

    You probably aren’t going to get good results posting to social media about it. There is no handbook and we can’t help you. You know what to do and what will happen.

    1 year ago

    I’ve replaced a lot of my social media time with puzzles. When I have a minute to stop and look at my phone instead of reddit and Facebook I go through wordle, NYTimes crossword mini then Washington Post daily crossword. It usually takes about half an hour to get through those, I don’t really need to be looking at my phone idly for much longer than that in a day

    1 year ago

    Are you ever done a social media detox ?

    Yeah when I travel.

    How to do it ? Do i need to delete all my accounts including decentralized pixelfed,matrix,lemmy,mastodon,etc ?

    No. The big thing is just not using it during your down time. You could log out of your accounts or uninstall the apps. Deleting everything is excessive and could potentially lead to you spending even more time on those apps setting everything up again.

    If it’s a service you irregularly use like Facebook or Reddit deleting it might help.

    It really depends on your situation.

    Also what am going to get after doing this ?

    Maybe a clearer head? Without social media to fill in those awkward lengths of time in your life you have more time to think about things. You may also be slightly more productive.

    After doing a digital detox is there any chance to return to the platforms and if i return to social media will i lose what am gained ?

    Totally. It just depends on your will power and whether or not you liked not using social media.

    How long should i keep doing this ?

    I’d say either a week or a month is a good time. You don’t need to get excessive and buy one of those overpriced sudo dumb phones and start carrying around an iPod.