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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • A few years ago I was driving to my wife’s parents place to let their dogs out. It was about 6pm so not dark yet but, the sun was down. I turned the corner o t a back road that went next to the river and all of a sudden it rather dark outside, and I had a really bad sense of dread like the air was heavy. Some of the worst fear I’ve ever had was setting in. Then suddenly on the right I saw man who was pitch black wearing a hat leaning against a sign. Half a mile later I saw him again sitting on the guardrail on the other side of the road, so I sped up and got out of there. A few hours later I was headed home and same thing happened d I turned on the road and had fear well up inside me. I came around the bend and watched a Jetta go flying off the road and the girl driving hopped out and looked at me with tears pouring down her face, usually I’d be one to stop and make sure all was ok but, with the fear I had I just wanted out of there. Then I came around the next bend and saw him standing in the middle of the other lane roughly where I’d seen him before so I just floored it and got out of there. Still get spooked thinking about it and have a lot of nightmares since where the man with a hat is chasing me while I drive

  • I had a nice layout for a while that used Iframes to access all my services. Made things easier for my family they just went to the main domain and there was a menu that would take them to ll the services no back button needed. Iframes aren’t really secure from my understanding tho.

    Interesting about that page was I hade ChatGPT generate the HTML for it

  • Was too angry. I’d spent 2 months fighting for my job because the Floor manager didn’t like me. (I was inventory control out of her department but, could correct her for making mistakes) after I quit the inventory went to shit. A lot of people from my department (Logistics) then walked out and the factory went out of business within a year. Glad I jumped from that sinking ship

  • I left a job once because I had a timecard and proof in the system of when I worked but, the HR manager saw a truck like mine driving around town during the hours I was at work so she said I didn’t really work those hours. She even took a pictures of the 2013 4 door Dodge. Mine was a 98 single cab. They gave me 24hrs to “fix” my time card or they were going to fire me. So I quit on the spot and left my time card