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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • You would think so, right? But funnily enough, whenever we find a new type of hominid that existed around us (neanderthals, denisovans, homo florensiensis), we find out that humans interbred with them and they are a part of our modern human DNA.

    I bet humans learned to “other” things that look like humans so they could do things like avoid the sick and dead, dehuminize other tribes to kill them in war. All the very human things we do now.

  • Wow, you are really butthurt by being wrong about the Google AI…

    Oh my God, I see, you are conflating the fact that I confirmed that people will call you a transphobe for buying the Harry Potter game by calling me a transphobe. Then I think went back and forth with a terminally online twatter (was that you?) who really wanted me to engage in a debate I wasn’t having.

    I think, and correct me if I’m wrong, clearly this made much more of an impact on you than it did on me (I think this was like months ago). Yes, I don’t agree with performative boycotts that have no true impact beyond preaching to the choir, that includes all the fucking incel stellar blade shit. I think I also pointed out that by engaging in these performative boycotts, you just encourage other people you don’t agree with to also engage in performative boycotts.

    Again, so crazy you got so butthurt that you had to drag a discussion we must have a quarter ago that didn’t impact me at all.

  • Uuuuum ok, JK Rowling is a shitty person who does her best to be on Twitter 24/7 with the other animals. Bigot, competly enamored with her own creation, and totally believing everyone who’s ever said she’s a genius. Ego driven nightmare.

    What does that have do to with you being objectively wrong and kind of an asshole in this thread? You know it all, terminally online jackasses never fail to out yourselves with your goal post moving.

    Oh I get it… Your ego is a problem for you personally as well, right?

  • You’re not wrong, just maybe purposefully missing the point? Actually, the majority of gun violence is suicides, have to be careful looking at the data to separate violent crime and suicide. But yeah I would agree with you except almost every other City is experiencing drops in crime and gun violence rates, even New York! Places like Florida have 20% increases in violent crime year over year in their largest cities.


    You see Orlando catching up with Chicago there, that’s wild! So yeah, a lot of that violent crime is gang activity, but gangs use guns more in “blue cities” in “red states” then their “blue state” counterparts. Data is old though and Florida is currently attempting to go through a data collection sea change to match FBI recommendations.

    *Need to note, the pandemic crime levels went absolutely insane everywhere, and just about the entire country saw general crime rate increases in the 30-50% range, this is specifically a discussion of gun violence.

  • It’s just such a fucking shitty false equivalency to relate the physical to the meta physical.

    Look at Christianity for example, the biggest factor in your choice of religion is where you were born first and who you were born to a close second.

    You see a great amount of similarity, especially inter discipline, but you can find huge differences between states, even cities and counties. People will shop for churches when they move to find a version of the same religion that fits with their preferred style and interpretation.

    That’s inside of a body like the SBC, Roman Catholicism and the SBC are even more different fundamentally. Same books, same dudes tho.

    Scientific models update with research, even if things are difficult to change, they change based on new info. Religion needs to constantly fit it’s ever dwindling influence into the same scripture, you just get to think the words mean different things now.