Gotta pay my universal Healthcare now /s
Gotta pay my universal Healthcare now /s
lol, boat=earth, fire=forever chemicals
Now burning the wood from the boat is really effective at keeping us warm but until an alternative is found we will keep using the boat that we are all in to get through this cold patch of ocean.
Actually fuck no, it’d be, “we gotta keep using the fire to keep us entertained since we are all bored here in the ocean”
Coworker straight up admits he feels safe in his truck, he feels like he gon die if he drives a smaller car
Enjoy your government mandated Blahaj shark
When you get headaches is cuz the AI is flashing light into your brain to examine how your brain is doing in the simulation
Downvote cuz youre over generalizing, maybe you get those type of people if youre working in a homeless camp with addicts, then youll encounter the people who have been down in their luck and when theyre addicted they dont see a way out.
People outside of the homeless camp could be completely different cause they havent reached the point of being an addict and homeless where they need that service.
Hell yeah, now Industry can have its workers live next to them, no more commutes! They’ll be so healthy :) /s
Sorry, got work and school and homework, can’t rlly play, bit too much on my plate, cya Mr flesh bear
Meeeee, specially since my alarm puts my spotify Playlist so it’s takes another step from my list of things to in the morning :3
Check out GrayJay it’s like YouTube vanced, but it can access twitch, nebula and many other sources at the same time
I mean honestly, remote work would do wonders for being anti union
No ur wrung, schuld be ashaemd
I’m sleepy
Didn’t know bout the desktop apps, awesome!
Oh shes doing great, on track to hella improve the country. Tackling issues of infrastructure, security, healthcare and education. Gon build double the passanger rail built by the previous administration (promise of 3000km) connecting major cities to mexico city and up to Texas. Have great hopes for my presidenta, and shes doing great so far!
A mother, grandmother, and PHD in energy engineering while having had tutorage from the previous president who was loved by the people due to how much he reduced poverty for millions of Mexicans.
AAAH, too many words needed to express my excitement for my country.