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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • AeonFelis@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlDunes vs Star Wars
    1 month ago

    I had one in my mind for quite a while now. Time to write it down:

    A famous-but-secretive order of women pulls the strings of all known civilization. They possess special powers, that allows them to do so, but even more than their powers they rely on their reputation and their vast network of connections. There is an important in-lore reason why the order accepts only women - the powers they use are defined by their gender, and the male version has some terrible aspects to it such that letting a man connect to it will be disastrous.

    And yet - the order has a prophecy about a chosen one - a man that will use the power to unify humanity and lead it. For generations, the order’s secret agenda was to track the bloodlines that will lead to his birth, all in order to ensure he is born under their control and guidance.

    But as stories go - that doesn’t work out. In the last generation, just before the chosen one is born, a member of the order betrays that goal. The chosen one is born outside the order’s control (though not entirely outside its influence), and grows up training under a master swordsman.

    We reach the first book. Boy leaves happily with his big happy community - which, of course, gets attacked and destroyed. Accompanied by a member of the order he manages to escape the massacre , and eventually reach the desert. There they meet up with the Bedouin themed desert nomads. These nomad are very isolated and xenophobic, but of course they eventually accept our protagonist. We learn a few things about them:

    1. While they are known through the world as fearsome warriors, in their past they were pacifists.
    2. Their women can also use the same power the order uses. They just… use it for their own tribe’s businesses instead of interfering with governments.
    3. They also have a prophecy about a chosen one that would lead them. And surprise surprise - it’s the same chosen one the order was going for. What are the odds?

    Well, chosen one or not - there is a tradition to be held. So our protagonist goes through their tests, becomes their great chieftain, takes a chieftain’s daughter as his lover (which won’t stop him from marrying a more conventional princess), and goes on to use them to do his chosen one business and take over the entire civilization.

  • Depends on what you mean by that:

    1. A Russian/Chinese judge ordering the disclosure of data about a Spanish citizen? Then no, because judges from one country should hold no jurisdiction over citizens of other countries (unless it’s about things these citizens did in the judge’s country - which is not the hypothetical case here)
    2. A Russian/Chinese born person who became a judge in Spain? Then yes, because the judge’s ethnicity should not be a factor on whether or not their authority is respected.
    3. A Russian/Chinese judge ordering the disclosure of data about a Russian/Chinese (respectively) citizen? Then this depends on whether or not Proton Mail is willing to stop doing business in Russia/China (again - respectively). Though I’m not sure if that will save them, since it may still be possible, even after the cut ties with that country, for the government to go after them using international treaties.

    At any rate, my point is that the decision of whether you obey the law or protect your users should be about the country as a whole, not about any specific judge employed by it. Choosing to obey some judges of the country while ignoring the warrants signed by other judges of the same country is just stupid. The country will not trust you to respect their authority and will not permit you to do business there, while the users will not trust you to keep your promise to protect them and won’t use your service.

  • But I had some success with low poly 3D models which I found are pretty easy to make.

    Same. I find that for non-artists 3D is easier than 2D because:

    1. You get things like depth and shadowing for free.
    2. Animations are easier. Or, at least, it’s easier to keep them consistent and to control their pace.
    3. 3D software has much more tools that non-artists can somewhat grasp.

    Of course, my 3D models still look like crap - but it’s better looking crap than my 2D sprites…

  • This is not about the cost of withdrawing or barring drugs as much as it is about the cost of running all these tests and trials. And yes, drugs can potentially have terrible side effects, but not being able to afford the drug can also have terrible results.

    If the FDA requirements were much less strict, the drug company would have had to spend much less on R&D. That, of course, would not be enough to lower the price - but the other effect of cheaper R&D is that it’s easier for other companies to compete, and competition does drive prices down. The the point either the mother could either afford it herself, or the insurance wouldn’t be so stingy about paying it.

    Now, of course, less strict requirements also mean we know less about the drug’s safety and efficiency. Let’s say that, because of the lack of knowledge, we assign a 50% probability for the drug to kill the patient and even if it doesn’t we only assign 50% probability for it to work (that does not mean it killed half the test subjects and failed for half of the remaining ones - just that we didn’t test enough to get significant results that say otherwise, and these are the worst case estimates under our lack of data). That means, that there is only 25% chance for each one of these twin babies to survive if they take the drug.

    Which is better than the 0% they get now, being unable to afford it.

  • AeonFelis@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlHe can't prove it?
    3 months ago
    • You claimed that decentralized DRM will be good.
    • I explained why it won’t happen.
    • Your counter point was that I originally claimed that the technology would catch but makes things worse and now that you explained that it would make things better I suddenly “changed” my argument to claim that the technology will not catch.
    • I did address that counter point, saying “It can be used to make things worse, and it can be used to make things better”.
    • The “some new argument” I brought up is also a response to the DRM topic you brought up.

  • AeonFelis@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlHe can't prove it?
    3 months ago

    It can be used to make things worse, and it can be used to make things better. But they way it can be used to make things better:

    1. Requires a cooperation from companies.
    2. Is against the interest of said companies.

    You are trying to argue that the very same companies that nowadays do all sort of convoluted things to take control and ownership away from their customers are going to use the blockchain to give control and ownership to their customers. I say it is much more likely they’ll use it for MTX gacha.

    Also - blockchain based DRM is so easy to bypass. Just make a public wallet which only contains the key NFTs and share that wallet’s credentials around.

  • AeonFelis@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlHe can't prove it?
    3 months ago

    We are talking about the topic you brought up - digital rights management. The thing that prevents you from using software (or, nowadays, even hardware) without a license is not some magical karma woven into the fabric of the universe. It’s code that the companies put in their product. No matter how much blockchain technology improves and not matter how much popular it gets - you still need these companies to actively implement NFT based DRMs. Why would they do that? Why would they relinquish control over their product? I jokingly said earlier that it’ll happen because the trend is to make everything worse, but companies that make their product worse do it to gain more control over their users and extract more money from them.