Mostly lurking. United States southerner, gay, working retail. An amazing combination

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024


  • I have a love/hate relationship with summer. Climate change has made it so I don’t even want to go outside… but they schedule all the fun things in the summer! Local concerts! Farmers market! Outdoor movies! Craft festivals! Carnivals! I love all those things, I just hate sweating!

    So summer is probably my least favorite, but also my favorite.

  • If you’re REALLY sure that ignoring the day would open the floodgates for retaliation, I’d text him or give a generic card. If he’s just gonna be angry and bitch at you, let him be angry and block his number.

    If you’re currently in an abusive situation and possibly in harms way I think this might be beyond Lemmy’s paygrade, since we don’t know what sets him off. But it’s OK to play nice for the short term if it keeps you safe long enough to escape.

  • Usually when I’m daydreaming, I make up characters on the spot, but let’s be real, they’re still me under the hood. How convenient that this badass rogue woman and this undead man and this magical girl all have more dramatic versions of my baggage.

    Occasionally I imagine my ideal self and they’re taller and have a more masculine jaw. I can’t really achieve that in real life so I try not to dwell on it too much. They’re also a lot calmer and more in tune with people around them though, and I think that’s an image worth keeping in my head.

  • This is so mean, I know my family tries…

    I know a lot of adults are into figurines and toys, but I’m not. I have a small apartment and dusty surfaces stress me out. Plus there’s a bug problem courtesy of my neighbors, and it’s important to be able to clean up after those fuckers quickly. I just don’t like a home with a bunch of tiny knick-knacks taking up surface space.

    Every birthday and Christmas I get a dozen small toys, usually for things I liked as a kid. I try to mention that I want kitchenwares or craft supplies, but my family just doesn’t remember things I say very often. The fact that they’ve started remembering my birthday, after I mention it all month long, is a victory.

    I don’t want anyone to see their gifts in thrift stores, so I try to sell them on ebay, but it’s slow.

  • Unfortunately not. I left out some stuff because it’s an unpleasant memory but on my walk there I saw him driving, and he pulled over to beat a dog in the backseat. Animal cruelty isn’t really prosecuted here so it’s weird he’d be that bothered by a witness.

    I was nervous and keeping an eye on him after that and sometimes I wonder if he thought I was up to something and got his buddies on the defensive. Or maybe he was a garden-variety creep and saw a fem-presenting person walking alone.

  • A guy followed me around the grocery store when I was around 20. I didn’t have a car and didn’t want to walk home with a stranger following me, so I just walked around the store for ages.

    At one point some guy asked me if I noticed anything strange about the guy following me. I don’t remember what I said. At another point, a friendly stranger started making small talk with me, and asked my name. I was nervous but that’s really common around here and I didn’t know how to leave the conversation.

    I saw both guys reporting back to the guy following me.

    Don’t know what they wanted. I ended up hiding in the women’s restroom for a few hours.