self-explenatory 🦆
PhD in Quackery
Damn, good job, lad
I agree, lol. I will let my wife know. I don’t know how she did this with a mouse, in Paint
Senpai is kawaii
shikanoko… but she’s a goose
I like that we were given a hat and a weird tail as starting points.
That’s not a “weird tail,” that’s his exhaust, you ignoramus.
Y’all act like you didn’t take Duckology in preschool.
oh no
Uh oh dude… never bring a knife to a gunfight, smh… :-D
Do you mind if I use this as my profile pic?
Lol jk I’m stealing it
Stealing is a crime… So yes, do it!
(Not my art)
(Not my art)
Oh, this is amazing!
This is how the older hardcore democrats see Biden
QuACk! qUAcK!
Get out of here with that actual talent. /s
Oops, sorry!
You win
Lol thanks!
Thank you!
Don’t tell anyone, but I am not a trained duckologist.
Disassemble and reassemble again?
Swapped neck blueprints with penis blueprints
I just wanted to find someone that I could say “duck off” to - can that be you? :-D
Give him all the fowl language you like, he won’t quack easily.
A finger to sit on? How wonderful? 👍
I resent your implication that I cannot connect the dots, but I will demonstrate just to show you how wrong you are.
A business bird!
I love this sort of art style
Bidness boils down to
He’s so cute 🥺 I love his lil plump face
Granny Duck!