I aim to be more human. I aim to be less apathetic as a human. Apathy grows, like a tree, and I aim to prune my own.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • I think Mozilla has something like this as well (also a subscription).

    I’m of the opinion that, at this point, one of the best infosec things a company could do is include a subscription like this (assuming they are safe and work as intended) for all employees as part of their compensation package, much the way they sometimes provide financial consulting services or gym memberships. Maybe one of the providers will start offering enterprise packages.

    If we could purge large quantities of data on employees, it would be that much harder to use social engineering for hacking. As a bonus, if enough people got themselves purged, it would entirely disrupt the data harvesting and selling models, potentially making them worthless. That would be a huge win.

    But I don’t think many people are going to pay for it themselves. They just won’t care that much. So as a work perk, it incentivizes them to use it by being free.

    I’m not in IT or anything, but my close friend is in security, so it’s something I consider quite a bit.

    Edit to add: obviously I’d rather see it illegal to collect data and sell it and all but that’s not going to happen any time soon, and this could be a lot faster. And if it becomes a business expense, businesses might just push for legislation…

  • Ha! This is my new way of looking at my smart devices. I’ll sell you off if you don’t do what I want, and buy something that does. Very much a threat.

    I recently factory reset all my Roku TVs, and didn’t connect them to the internet… and they work much better now.

    Roku broke big time when I insisted on privacy. blocked the entire Roku domain, it broke the apps on a 1-month schedule like clockwork to get the network release for reinstall which allowed for phone home. lol no. I trashed it. They are dumb TVs now.

  • I went to a donut shop once (sugar isn’t my thing, especially early morning, so yes, once) on my way to work at 3:30am, and ordered a coffee “the color of a plain or egg bagel before toasting” and they actually got my milk ratio spot on.

    This was a very long time ago in my early 20s, and I like the coffee flavor more now; I drink coffee in soup bowl cups, which are appx 4cups. I milk and sugar the first cup (1/4 cup whole milk, 1 heaping tbsp sugar) and top off with plain coffee every inch or so as I drink it or it cools, so whatever’s in the first flavor cup is all I use.

    I know some people like black coffee, and that’s great for them, but I need to cut the bitter to get the pleasant flavor, and milk and sugar are exactly it. I can do without one or the other, but not both.

  • This is so weird to me because pizza is one of the few things I actually order for delivery… there isn’t much around here other than 3rd party services, which I don’t use because I’m rural and the way it works here is just gross. Had 6 come in for the same failed order while I was out on Tuesday (menu wasn’t open for that item but it was ordered through another platform, and 6 people came asking for it for the same order because of how the platform works). I can’t imagine actually working there.

    But I suppose in more urban areas, pizza hut is competing with actually good food also on delivery (for a very steep markup people are apparently willing to pay or the services would die), so it’s no surprise they can’t compete on their own; and still also turn record profits. Heaven forbid they die in the region. 🙂