AssortedBiscuits [they/them]

mfw you still use Windows in 2023 2024

  • 0 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 22nd, 2022

  • PS. I can see your comment in my inbox and reply from there but when I’m on my post your comment doesn’t appear. Some odd Lemmy thing?

    I have no idea why that would happen. Probably something weird about Lemmy.

    As for Waydroid, it’s kinda finicky in how to start. Use something like btop or ps aux|grep waydroid to check whether you have multiple processes that are all running waydroid session start. It should just be two processes: /usr/bin/waydroid -w container start and /usr/bin/waydroid session start. I remember I had multiple /usr/bin/waydroid -w container start that I had to kill before it worked for the first time.

    The devs behind Waydroid also have their own distro set up for Waydroid. You can try that as well:

  • It also fundamentally misunderstands why Linux has such low adoption rates at the desktop. It has much more to do with Windows being ubiquitous in desktop enterprise environments than Linux. MacOS is by all accounts even more intuitive and easier to understand than Windows with a greater selection of native programs than Linux on top of having billions of dollars at their disposal for advertisement, but you’re not exactly seeing MacOS hit >60% of desktops.

    Overall, for a thread that’s supposed to help a newbie, this thread has a surprising amount of bad info. From saying Debian doesn’t come with sudo (completely untrue, the Debian installer has an option of adding the user to sudo when most distro installers just add the user to sudo automatically) to saying installing MacOS programs is simply clicking on an icon (not really true either since the only time you’re clicking on shit to install things on MacOS instead of using the store is if you’re installing third-party software, in which case you have to dig through menus).

  • I’ve been trying to find a good Marxist instance, but Lemmygrad and Hexbear are widely hated. Why is that?

    Because the majority of Ledditors are either liberals or full blown reactionaries and the ones who are not range from some cringey techno-libertarian who think FOSS will usher in socialism to some radlib cruise-missile socialist who strangely never deviates from the US state department. The very few who could legitimately be considered socialists are some kind of anarchist. They certainly aren’t Marxist.

    Are there any good leftist instances?

    Outside of those two, I won’t hold my breath. The easiest litmus test in the world is how they’re responding to the genocide at Gaza. There’s very few places where you’ll get complete support for the Palestinian liberation struggle and not whining about the imaginary babies Hamas allegedly beheaded or trying to equate the conduct of a genocidal nuclear power to a paramilitary fighting for national liberation.

  • I get why they do that, but I don’t like the [letter]ubuntus because it gives users the wrong idea of what entails a distro. It leads to them confusing distros with DEs. To me, distos are more about the community and release cycle with some major technical differences like package managers. Yes, having different default settings and programs play a role in this as well, so you could be justified in saying MX Linux isn’t the same as Debian Stable, but I don’t think the [letter]ubuntus deviate that much from just installing the corresponding DE on Ubuntu.