Awoo [she/her]


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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • It’s particularly funny yeah. There was later a suicide at the Shenzhen foxconn plant but I think it was only 1 or 2 there that were only notable because of the 10+ in a single week that occurred at the Taiwan plant, followed by dozens of others spread out. Libs like to pretend the major issue was on the mainland by using the Shenzhen plant when the reality is this all mainly occurred because taiwan has significantly worse regulations and is sussy as fuck when it comes to their behaviour to outside people. Let’s not forget the nazi parades in schools.

  • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.nettoMemes@lemmy.mlGot to find a leftiest place.
    8 months ago

    Unlike you I actually have 2 degrees. If you engaged with this topic in this way in a university the history professor would fail you.

    You don’t give a fuck about sources, evidence, or anything. You are utterly closed to new information. You are one of the most deeply propagandised people on the planet, from the most deeply propagandised population on the planet.

  • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.nettoMemes@lemmy.mlGot to find a leftiest place.
    8 months ago

    I’ll ignore the fact that you’re lying about what got you banned for this response.

    Even the western far right media has moved on from the original Tiananmen narrative, which it acknowledges was false. The actual events played out more accurately to exactly what China has always said they were.

    The only people still pushing the original shit are anticommunists and racists because it’s more convenient to their goals to perpetuate it.

    Try actually listening and learning the actual facts from people in the left and then you won’t run into this problem. You’re getting banned and ridiculed by actual leftists because you’re further right and less educated on this topic than the fucking media of far right conservative tories ffs.

    This is what happens when you get your political education from fucking reddit.

    Learn properly:

  • Reading hundreds of communist theory books and joining a democratic centralist party just to fool the libs.

    Not sure exactly what we’re supposed to be achieving by doing Hexbear and so perfectly engaging in communist discourse and advocating for literally every single downtrodden and oppressed group on the planet if it’s all fake? For what purpose? Surely doing that all so perfectly is just… Advocacy. Digital activism. It’s not a game if you do it so hard it just becomes exactly what you’re doing.

  • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.nettoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlIs the instance hexbear conservative?
    9 months ago

    how is that not colonization?

    I’m going to assume good faith here and that you’ve just never actually bothered to read a book but it’s really really hard not to insult you for this shit. Colonisation is what happened to Palestine. Colonisation is settling a land, often owned by someone else, and stealing it from them, usually while engaging in ethnic cleansing.

    If this is not what you mean then you need to stop calling it this because it’s complete and utter bullshit.

  • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.nettoLinux@lemmy.mlI had a journey
    9 months ago

    Yeah so you’re avoiding everything I said and injecting a completely different topic that you also don’t understand.

    Marx’s critique isn’t with democracy it’s with bourgeoise-democracy. You would understand this if you understood even the basic bare minimum about marxist theory. All you are doing here is demonstrating that you do not understand the difference between what marxists refer to as a bourgeoise-democracy and what marxists refer to as a proletarian-democracy. Or if you prefer, the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie vs the dictatorship of the proletariat.

    Marx’s “opposition to democracy” that you are utilising for bullshit propaganda here is opposition to using the mechanisms of bourgeoise-democracy to achieve socialism (because they’re designed for the bourgeoisie and to produce outcomes the bourgeoisie want) and instead advocates for revolution to destroy that dictatorship-of-class and install a new democracy of the workers, a new dictatorship of class but one instead run by the working class (the vast majority) instead of the former ruling class (the bourgeoisie, the vast minority).

    These are incredibly basic 101 concepts that, if you were a communist as you claim, you would already be aware of and understand. You were not a communist. You haven’t even read a pamphlet like the manifesto, let alone the Critique Gotha Programme that you’re linking to. I have though. And to anyone that actually HAS read these things that you’re pretending to have read you look like and absolute clown who is winging it.

  • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.nettoLinux@lemmy.mlI had a journey
    9 months ago

    I’m saying I don’t believe you’ve ever engaged with communism. I don’t believe you’ve read a single book. I don’t believe you’ve even read a single pamphlet. I don’t think you could give me a simplified breakdown of what historical materialism is and I don’t believe you could tell me what the 5 basic classes are that marxists define, along with a simple 1 sentence description of their scientific definition. I don’t think you were a communist and I don’t think you know anything about the “historical record of communism” beyond what you have passively consumed from the far right wing fuckwads that you’ve surrounded yourself with and allowed to rot your brain. I’m saying that the confident manner in which you bullshit about these things is a severe personal failing.

    All of these are 101 things that anyone who has actually engaged with the topic of socialism for more than like 1 single week would be able to answer instantly and easily.

    I’m saying that your political opinions and knowledge of history is based on vibes that you have attained from the massive quantity of propaganda you uncritically consume and not from any actual meaningful knowledge.

    Clear enough?

  • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.nettoMemes@lemmy.mlA not-so-friendly reminder
    10 months ago

    I have had trans people try to convince me that I am trans

    To be fair the only people that think about trans people as much as you seem to think about them are people who are questioning their gender or nazis. You should be grateful they assume the best of you instead of just calling you out for what you are while smashing your face in. nazi-punching

  • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.nettoMemes@lemmy.mlCan we please
    10 months ago

    Avengers End Game

    Marvel is the producer for this, not Disney.

    Star Wars

    Fair. Honestly Lucas never should have let go of something that so heavily relies upon plot being based within his personal political criticisms. It’s not really a surprise that other writers are missing the mark with it when his politics are rather close to marxist.

    Their animated movies are also uninspired now.

    Like? Ok Lightyear is trash but Raya and Encanto are fine, very typical Disney movies tbh. Seems more like your problem is with Pixar than Disney? Frozen 2 was mid but I can’t think of a single Disney sequel that wasn’t.