• 22 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 6th, 2024


  • last part as in ‘They also shut down AlJezeera news and Israel claims they are the ‘‘only democracy in the Middle East’’’

    they have the same laws for all citizens. jews, muslims, druze, etc.
    palestinians living in the west bank are citizens of the pa (or jordan), not of israel.
    the situation in area c of the west bank is a result of the failed oslo accords and bibi’s policy of “status quo”.
    article by prof mohammed wattad, who is an israeli-arab (his own words)
    israel’s declaration of independence
    basic laws of israel

    shutting down a state backed media group that has ties to the muslim brotherhood (hamas is a branch of theirs), from a hostile state that hosts the billionaire leaders of hamas, is similar to the shutting down of rt in europe - which is a state backed media group of a hostile state.

    in israel you don’t vote for the prime minister, you vote for a party. as part of the coalition creating process, the pm is chosen as part of the agreements between parties.
    one of the pm’s parties in 2022, naftali bennet, had much less votes than the likud ever had.
    basic law: the government

    posting something twice and then replying to someone with a similar link isn’t “spamming”.
    pointing out the reality of this specific action / situation isn’t “defending” anything. that’s a very black and white view of things.
    same as when i criticize a state it doesn’t instantly mean i’m against it or hate it.