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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • Celsius is just as good at describing temperatures humans experience. Every 5o is ‘category’:

    < -10o Cripes it’s cold!

    -10 to -5o Cold

    -5 to 0o Snow/ice will melt

    0o ‘true’ freezing/melting temperature

    0 to 5o Cool

    5 to 10o Brisk, jacket optional

    10 to 15o Cool, Comfortable to work

    15 to 20o Cold house

    20 to 25o Typical house temps

    25 to 30o Shorts recommended

    30 to 35o Hot

    35 to 40o Severely hot

    '> 40o Crazy hot.

    It’s simply just getting used to the values which you have to do with F too anyways, and IMO the C scale just makes far more sense. With F none of the values are intuitive and require you to learn them all.

  • If you use Ublock you can use this filter to clean Shorts from Youtube (FTR you only need 2 lines near the bottom that have the word ‘short’ in them, but Lemmy formatting is balls so it’s all or nothing):

    ! https://www.youtube.com
    www.youtube.com##.yt-spec-button-shape-next--size-m.yt-spec-button-shape-next--mono.yt-spec-button-shape-next--outline.yt-spec-button-shape-next > yt-touch-feedback-shape > .yt-spec-touch-feedback-shape--touch-response.yt-spec-touch-feedback-shape > .yt-spec-touch-feedback-shape__fill
    www.youtube.com##.yt-spec-button-shape-next--size-m.yt-spec-button-shape-next--mono.yt-spec-button-shape-next--outline.yt-spec-button-shape-next > yt-touch-feedback-shape > .yt-spec-touch-feedback-shape--touch-response.yt-spec-touch-feedback-shape > .yt-spec-touch-feedback-shape__stroke
    www.youtube.com###top-level-buttons-computed > ytd-button-renderer.ytd-menu-renderer.style-scope > yt-button-shape
    www.youtube.com###flexible-item-buttons > .ytd-menu-renderer.style-scope > yt-button-shape
    www.youtube.com##.ytd-topbar-logo-renderer.style-scope > .ytd-logo.style-scope
    www.youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false)
    www.youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0)
    www.youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, [])
    www.youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)
    www.youtube.com##.ytp-quality-menu [role="menuitemradio"]:has-text(Premium)
    www.youtube.com##ytd-browse[page-subtype="home"] .ytd-thumbnail[href^="/shorts/"]:upward(ytd-rich-grid-row)
    www.youtube.com##ytd-browse[page-subtype="subscriptions"] .ytd-thumbnail[href^="/shorts/"]:upward(ytd-rich-grid-row)
    www.youtube.com##.ytd-rich-section-renderer.style-scope > .ytd-rich-shelf-renderer.style-scope

  • What is the natural science reason to wear blue light eyeglasses instead of just turning one’s computer display’s blue lights off

    Other situations where there is blue light are also out of scope just as the overall harm caused by blue light.

    Your question becomes ‘why wear eyeglasses to filter blue light when there is no blue light?’ The answer is “Science doesn’t say that”.

  • The reason is that the assumption ‘no other light sources aside from the screen’ is almost impossible to control for. You’d have to be in a room with no daylight coming in and zero other blue light sources emitting from say a smartphone, clock readout, artificial lighting for the room and/or any of its appliances.

    Even accepting this ridiculous decision to rule ‘all other sources of light out of scope’ then the obvious only possible answer is that THE SCREEN EMITS BLUE LIGHT OUTSIDE THE CONTROL OF SOFTWARE COLOUR SETTINGS. For example, LCD screens use a white light bulb to light up a screen of LCD pixels. This white light leaks. It’s why LCD screens have lower contrast (black looks dark grey).

  • Burstar@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoMemes@lemmy.mlStoner
    1 year ago

    Caffeine isn’t addictive. Your body acclimates to long term usage, and you will experience some withdrawal symptoms but this is classified as a dependency and not an addiction as it does not trigger the reward mechanisms like weed and or methamphetamine does. It’s an important distinction and is why coffee and tea are often served at [Addiction] Anonymous meetings.

  • The whole conversation is a facepalm. This should have been 3 lines:

    “What’s the last song you saved?”

      'I am not comfortable sharing that information with you'

    “Okay, if you’re aren’t willing to let me get to know your basic interests clearly this isn’t the kind of relationship I’m looking for. Good luck and have a nice day” [ends transmission]

  • I don’t see a problem with leaving data out in public view. Hiding behind anonymity has already turned most of the internet into a dumpster fire. Maybe we’ll see less trolls and hate publicly blasted with impunity from this. It will also put ‘keeping private shit private’ in the forefront of people’s minds. What personal data are you worried about revealing on a glorified chat forum that you aren’t directly responsible for publishing? edit: before this data was available mostly to the provider and anyone willing to pay for it. At least this way the data might become so publicly available it becomes worthless and the market dries up.