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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • What does it do on new hardware? Not a lot of people are running normal desktop Linux on phones / tablets, are they? Which, totally cool if it works better on those things… but I guess I’m just surprised by how much hype there is for Wayland when X just works for me and would presumably just work for most people’s use cases. Like… who are all of these people that are emotionally invested in display servers, and what am I missing?

    I mean, 20 years ago or whatever there was always the pain of black screens and X configs… but it just kind of works now in my experience?

  • Chobbes@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldI don't...
    6 months ago

    What’s so much better about Wayland than X? I mean, I’m not really a fan of X and the security nightmare that it is, but as a user it’s all pretty plug and play these days. What does a normal user get out of Wayland? Would they even know they’re using it?

    I’d love to try it, but it currently won’t work with some software I use, so I haven’t bothered… And honestly I’m kind of confused about how everybody is talking about how amazing Wayland is (and how it seems to suddenly be the one true path for a bunch of distros) when my only experience with Wayland is people talking about how great it is and then not being able to screenshare or whatever… Which doesn’t make it seem great from the outside? That maybe sounds a bit flippant, but I genuinely don’t understand why “normal” people are so excited? I mean, I can see people caring about features like HDR and maybe that’s easier to build into Wayland than ancient X11, but I’d be more excited about the specific feature than Wayland itself which may make implementing these things easier?

  • I don’t drink alcohol, so I cannot comment on that.

    But that said, I kind of think of coffee as being pretty similar to chocolate. It’s an earthy but bitter flavour that can be nice, often when paired with something sweet and creamy. Also there are nice espressos that are kind of fruity and creamy on their own. There’s plenty flavours that are overwhelming on their own, but complement other flavours nicely. People are also known to like intense experiences, like really spicy foods.

    Anyway, I won’t fight you if you don’t like it. That’s totally reasonable :).

  • Chobbes@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldLinux users when
    6 months ago

    Huh. I’ve used chirp under Linux before and I just installed it with my package manager. Maybe it wasn’t available on your distro? Then it can get a lot more tricky. The other problem with these things can be permissions… once you have chirp installed maybe you need to add your user to the dial out group in order to be able to use the serial port to flash the radios.

  • Oh, okay. Not sure if you want an explanation, but it’s here if you want!

    The kernel is kind of the part of the operating system that glues everything together. It provides common interfaces for accessing hardware, provides a library of useful functions to programs, and manages running all of your programs at the same time (like, you know how you can have more programs running than you have CPU cores? The kernel is responsible for scheduling when each program gets to execute instructions on the CPU and stuff).

    A binary blob is just what we call it when some piece of software (in this case a driver), is only available in the executable binary format. No source code available, so it’s effectively a black box unless you make a substantial effort to reverse engineer it.

    An API is an “application programming interface” which is more or less just a library of functions to do stuff. So if the interface for graphics drivers to talk to the kernel changes or something the old binary version of the driver may not work with newer kernel, and because it’s a binary blob nobody can update it except Nvidia.

  • There’s operations that treat bits like floats and operations that treat them like various kinds of ints, but the meaning of bits is in the eye of the beholder. There’s even good examples of mixing and matching integer and floating point operations to clever effect, like with the infamous fast inverse square root. I feel like people often think mathematical objects mean something beyond what they are, when often math is kind of just math and it is what it is (if that makes sense… it’s kind of like anthropomorphizing mathematical objects and viewing them through a specific lens, as opposed to just seeing them as the set of axioms that they are). That’s kind of how I feel with this stuff. You can treat the bits however you want and it’s not like integer operations and bitwise operations have no meaning on supposedly floating point values, they do something (and mixing these different types of operations can even do useful things!), it just might not be the normal arithmetic operations you expect when you interpret the number as a float (and enjoy your accidental NaNs or whatever :P).

    The difference of static and dynamic typing being when you perform the type checking is partially why I consider it to be a somewhat arbitrary distinction for a language (obviously decidable static type checking is limited, though), and projects like typescript have shown that you can successfully bolt on a static type system onto a dynamic language to provide type checking on specific parts of a program just fine. But obviously this changes what you consider to be a valid program at compile time, though maybe not what you consider to be a valid program overall if you consider programs with dynamic type errors to be invalid too (which there’s certainly precedence for… C programs are arguably only real C programs when they’re well-defined, but detecting UB is undecidable).

  • I kind of feel like “untyped” is a term that doesn’t really have a proper definition right now. As far as I can tell when people say “untyped” they usually mean it as a synonym for whatever they consider “dynamically typed” to mean (which also seems to vary a bit from person to person, haha). Sometimes people say assembly is untyped exactly for this reason, but you could also consider it to have one type “bits” and all of the operations just do things on bits (although, arguably different sized registers have different types). Similarly, people sometimes consider “dynamically typed languages” to just be “unityped” (maybe monotyped is more easily distinguished from untyped, haha) languages at their core, and if you squint you can just think of the dynamic type checks as a kind of pattern matching on a giant sum type.

    In some sense values always have types because you could always classify them into types externally, and you could even consider a value to be a member of multiple types (often programming languages with type systems don’t allow this and force unique types for every value). Because you could always classify values under a type it feels kind of weird to refer to languages as being “untyped”, but it’s also kind of weird to refer to a language as “typed” when there isn’t really any meaningful typing information and there’s no type system checking the “types” of values. Types sort of always exist, but also sort of only exist when you actually make the distinctions and have something that you call a “type system”… In some sense the distinction between static and dynamic typing is sort of an arbitrary implementation detail too (though, of course, it has impacts on the experience of programming, and the language design makes a bit of a difference in terms of what’s decidable :) (and obviously the type system can determine what programs you consider to be “valid”)… But you can absolutely have a mix of static type checking and dynamic typing, for instance… It’s all a little more wishy washy than people tend to think in my opinion).