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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • I’d like to put a little more nuance here and argue that this thing we call “human nature” doesn’t exist, or rather has very little impact. There were a couple of studies done about separated identical twins with identical genes, and the results did show a non-insignificant difference.

    With this in mind, if we assume that none of us are born inherently corruptable and that it’s how and where you were raised rather than whatever is in your genes, then wouldn’t the current system we live in also influence how we turn out, specifically in regards to what our current values for success are (high-up position, earning a lot of money, having power and so on)?

    I do agree that communism is a wonderful idea, but I disagree that AGI is the answer - humans can govern themselves as long as they’re raised in a specific way that discourages things that could lead to corruption or abuse of power, which might be an even more impossible task than creating an AGI, but I do believe it’s possible with more radical changes and correct people.

    Here are some studies about twins if you are interested: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886922001477 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4563825/

  • Gentoo - too long compile time, especially on my dated CPU. I prefer my system to update quickly.

    Linux Mint - don’t like apt, some packages I installed refused to work properly (like Lutris), and the color scheme which is admittedly customizable but I prefer rolling with defaults except when using WM.

    Void Linux - after installing it I realized how much I actually missed systemd, couldn’t be arsed to symlink services manually. And yes, I realize that’s the whole point.

    NixOS - realized how much there is to learn with the flakes and separating home configurations and whatever, and just gave up

    Manjaro - I tried it twice at the beginning of my Linux journey, and both times the nvidia driver shat itself and gave me different problems that I couldn’t fix.

    Maybe I’ve been spoiled by Arch though, as most of my problems probably boil down to “not the same packages”, “not pacman”, “need to learn new skills that weren’t in Arch” and so on. Though admittedly, I did try to explore with an open mind to find a new “cool” distro, but I’d always go back.

  • No, and once I became aware of the fact realized that I was kinda screwed when it came to video games.

    Every single video game I have purchased is on Steam, and considering its DRM and licence business model, I had multiple conversations with my friends who also had the same worry and wondered what would happen if Steam shut down one day. Valve did state that they’ll remove the DRM if the platform shut down, but there’s no way of knowing the future as million things can happen and for all we know, they might change their minds or not be in a position to remove the DRM once the time came.

  • IQ score is a sham - the tests are quite fallible, and historically they were used as a justification to discriminate against people who are poorer or with worse access to education. Nowadays, I see it quite a lot in the context of eugenics, where some professors and philosophers attribute poor people being poor due to their low intelligence (low IQ score), and that they can’t be helped while rich people got where they are due to their intelligence (as in they have a high IQ score on average).

  • Shy bladder syndrome - I can only take go on a toilet and do my business at my own home while no one else is nearby, and this makes it very hard whenever I get hospitalized, have to stay somewhere overnight (thankfully never happened), or being in school/work as I can never use the toilet once the need arises - gotta wait until I’m back home for that.

    The worst it had affected me was at a hospital once where it took me around 2-3 days to be able to finally start urinating there after countless attempts over the time period, and 2 weeks to be able to take a shit. It’s no fun.