Here from Reddit–might stay a while.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • this really only applies to New York, as New York City is in the bottom little bit of the state’s southern nubbin and the rest of the state is commonly called “Upstate New York” since when people outside the northeast refer to New York, they’re talking about New York City, rather than the state of New York. thus Upstate New York was shortened to Upstate. (it seems to hold that most people i know who grew up in the northeast call New York City “NYC” rather than what i used growing up which was “New York.”

    I am an american, I grew up in a state in the south west, no one ever used the term “going upstate” for anything because there was no such place to go.

    I guarantee you only see dialog such as this in media set in NYC.

  • I don’t know what country you live in but that sure is a lot of words that don’t really mean anything.

    Can you please elaborate on what the “foreign agent bullshit” you’re talking about is?

    And can you please also explain how said bullshit is akin to how republicans are blaming Qanaon? (And also please explain what republicans are “blaming” Qanon for, as it’s my understanding that most republicans are followers of Qanon, not critics.)

    If you are a bot account I am sorry for putting you through the wringer as it’s my first day.

  • Truth be told right now it’s One Piece. I never watched / read when I was younger, but was aware of it in the periphery. I watched the first episode of the Netflix adaptation and immediatly decided that it might be worth checking out. 900 some odd episodes later and I’m kinda sad I’m near the end of what’s currently available. Is it dumb as shit? Yes. Is it immensely charming and at times genuinely moving? Yes. Could it use a massive trimming of the fat—oh god yes. But still I love how completely zany the world is and how unabashedly batshit crazy things get.

    1. Your anus can’t feel temperature that much so cold water hitting it really isn’t that big of a deal.
    2. Warm water bidets don’t use electricity, they use a hot water tap from the near by (and generally easily accessible) bathroom sink. Sure you might need to drill a hole in a cabinet but it’s not outrageously inaccessible or expensive to setup. You just need to watch like 2 plumbing youtube videos.
    3. I live in the US. I am not rich. I have a bidet—it is a hand nozzle attached to my toilet’s water tap that cost $30.

  • If you’re scared of being gay you might actually just be gay.

    In all seriousness though, everyone should get a hand bidet installed on their toilets ASAP. Once you squirt your asshole with water to clean the poop off you will immediately realize how disgusting you’ve been up until that moment in your life using only flimsy ass ass paper to wipe shit off your body.

    I swear, Puritanism really did a number on North America.