• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Most of (what we call) Linux OSes are formally GNU/Linux. GnuCash is as close as it gets to “made for Linux”. If you don’t want an accounting-specific application, but just generic spreadsheets, check out LibreOffice.

    I highly recommend GnuCash for accounting though: a fellow board member cleaned up an org’s accounting by putting it all in GnuCash, where it was a bunch of error-prone Excel sheets before. That really made it easier to keep track and to do it right.

  • F04118F@feddit.nltoProgrammer Humor@programming.devPlease stop
    2 days ago

    A quick Google shows Quickbooks to be cloud-based accounting software. For FOSS accounting, GnuCash exists so you could try that (it can also run on Windows and macOS). However, it’s unlikely to have feature parity so if you like the added convenience that Quickbooks offers, see if you can use Quickbooks in a browser. Being cloud-based, they would probably build a browser version before building a Linux desktop app. If they don’t and you need to run a Windows desktop app on Linux, you can probably do this using Bottles (which uses Wine and Proton under the hood, the tech that enables the Steam Deck).

  • It’s a new desktop by the Pop!_OS team, System76. They previously used Gnome extensions but to make a snoother, more performant experience, they have been working on an entirely new desktop environment + toolkit, all in Rust. They call it Cosmic.

    The new Cosmic Store is super fast and smooth, perhaps the fastest package manager GUI on Linux desktop.

    Check out this speed comparison against GNOME Software: (Cosmic starts around 1:10) https://files.catbox.moe/mzz004.mp4

    If you’re on Pop!_OS 22.04 you can already install it with sudo apt install cosmic-store.

    There’s a few other COSMIC apps available but the store is the most usable one right now IMO. The text editor is fun too though. If you’re on another Debian based OS, you can probably add the system76 repo and then install it.

  • Congrats! I hope I’ll be able to join you soon!

    For me it’s a combination of factors that make the barrier for this last use case higher. I almost exclusively play DCS: World in VR using a Reverb G2 WMR headset. I’ve had a friend offer his worn Valve Index, which should work on Linux. But:

    • I’ve heard mixed things on SteamVR Linux support (supposedly they just shipped a ton of fixes)
    • DCS:World in VR is hard enough to run smoothly on a bog-standard Windows 10 setup. And there’s quite a bit of artefacting in Wine/Proton. I’m not sure the added troubleshooting and glitches is worth it
    • My graphics card is an Nvidia. This means I’d like to wait for 555 and proper Wayland support to land fully and I’d probably lose out on the DLSS speed boost on Linux. Or I should sidegrade to an AMD RX 6900XT.

    It’s a bit of work. In the meantime, at least as long as Windows 10 still gets security updates, I wikl continue to use my Windows dualboot for VR flight simming only

  • IIRC, Canonical is using Ubuntu to push an “extended security maintenance” program or something like that.

    These kinds of services are all the same. RedHat does it, Microsoft does it, many others too probably.

    The idea is: (stop reading if any of these don’t apply)

    • You are a huge enterprise with lots of money
    • You have a lot of computers with a lot of complex, (manually tested and badly designed) programs/systems that are strongly coupled to and dependent on the specific configuration of those computers.
    • Thus, you HATE upgrading all these computers to new OS versions
    • You would love to pay a company to give you a sense of security by providing monthly security patches so you can keep using your old OS
    • You don’t really mind that this is fundamentally flawed and insecure because the cost of upgrading to a new OS version is too great for you to pay: you’d rather take a subscription for shitty bandaid.

  • I’ve always thought I don’t have ADHD because I love learning new things and didn’t have problems in school. I was lucky enough to like most subjects. For the few I didn’t like, such as geography and economics, I got OK grades if I just briefly skimmed the textbook before the exam. More recently, the fact that sticking with a topic is hard, that I simply could not concentrate at all on a live video instruction that I was supposed to do with my colleagues (it just went too slowly) and that I keep “overtalking” even when I know people are not interested, started to add up. Also household chores. Really realy difficult, much worse than actually difficult problems such as physics or debugging.

  • EndeavourOS is easy-mode Arch. You get a liveboot with XFCE and a graphical installer with quite some choices, from a wide selection of desktop environments and window managers to the init system and filesystem. You get pacman and yay, with the AUR preconfigured.

    Manjaro is the easiest way to break Arch. It has its own repos which are just Arch but 2 weeks behind. This causes problems when (not saying if) you add the AUR, which is not 2 weeks behind but in sync with Arch main repos. Thus causing breakages due to migrations not happening at the same time.

    Garuda is not as widely used as Endeavour and Manjaro, but from those who’ve used it, I’ve only heard good things.

    I am using EndeavourOS Sway Community Edition. Was nice to have a starting point for my first pure WM and my first Arch install. The Sway Community Edition is looking for maintainers but I am a bit disappointed by some things in upstream Sway and am not sure I want to stick with it long-term yet. Might try Hyprland at some point.

  • F04118F@feddit.nltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlvent
    8 months ago

    There’s not a lot to track in a single browser session. The privacy violation of tracking cookies is that they track what you’re doing. If you set the privacyguides.org recommended settings in Firefox, Mullvad or Brave, the cross-site tracking should be blocked, but deleting them completely means the site will even have to do some advanced fingerprinting to even know “it’s you” on the same site (if not using the same public IP, for example by using VPN, otherwise the IP will be recognised)