Hello I am new, confused and excited about Lemmy! I like the vibes.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Don’t be afriad to involve her in your stuff, even if it’s boy stuff. My dad taught me how to fix cars, wilderness survival, how to shoot guns, how to fix stuff, it didn’t matter that I was a girl, if I was interested he’d show me. I didn’t care that this was boy stuff, I just liked that I was helping dad.

    With the bonus payoff of me being a rather handy cabable adult too! Although he did his fair share of playing Barbie and tea party as well.

    She might not like all of your hobbies (I never liked fishing) but give it a shot! Don’t be afraid just bc some stuck up parents would be agast she’s learning to change the oil in the car.

  • I was in collage when Fight Club came out. Of course a bunch of guys decided to make an underground Fight Club. I never went to one bc I am a women and therefore exculded from Manly Punching Time but, boy, oh boy did I witness the fallout.

    It didn’t take long for poeple to realize that maybe a computer major shouldn’t be fist fighting a ex marine who was here on the GI bill. Or maybe accounting majors shouldn’t be trying to punch the six foot tall guy who does construction to afford his textbooks. Poeple had black eyes, knocked out teeth, concussions and face swelling. Turns out it’s hard to hide an underground fight ring where you hit each other in the face.

    Luckily the Fight club disbanded before admin got involved, and before anybody got really hurt.

  • I was an active, functional, alcoholic for many, many years. I stopped drinking for good seven years ago, haven’t touched a drop since. There has been a lot of good advice here, however I wanted to offer my (possibly unconventional) two cents.

    One of the things that got my attention during my drunk years was being confronted with how much money I was spending on alcohol. That was eye opening and really, my first dim lightbulb moment of ‘oh shit’ I might have a problem. Maybe showing her how much money she is throwing away each month on hooch?

    Second was the realization that all my hobbies revolved around alcohol in some way. Getting involved in some new fresh things that didn’t inherently involve alcohol was a big step. Maybe you both could plan alcohol free activities during the hours she normally drinks the worst? Go for a walk in the park, hunt some Pokemon? Get her out of the house and somewhere poeple aren’t drinking. Even if it means an emergency 11pm trip to Target for candy.

    Third, I would highly recommend therapy. I was drinking to fill a hole in my life alcohol was never going to fill. Once I was on the correct medication, I realized I was just using alcohol as a crutch for my mental illness.

    My last advice which I hesitate to give, but which worked for me, is to switch addictions to something a little less damaging. I’m much happier being a evening stoner than an evening drinker. Maybe she would like vaping, or mircodosing on shrooms for a mood elevation?

    Again all of these ideas involve her wanting to change, but if some part of her does want to change, than this will help. Also DO NOT KEEP ALCOHOL IN THE HOUSE. Nothing. Not a drop. Throw out the vanilla extract and mouthwash if you have to.

    Good Luck Buddy!

  • I feel the same way. In fact I haven’t painted anything in months. I do acrylic realism, painting on canvas board. One of my artist friends was showing me images she made using AI and I was blown away and deeply saddened. This was good art, all at the click of a button. Why would poeple pay me money for art, when they can get it for free? Just spend three bucks to print it at Walmart.