• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Sorry dude, I just replied to another one of your comments that I totally agree with you on, but I do not see this ever, ever, ever happening.

    Here’s why: It takes more guts to break such a long held tradition than the Democrats would ever be willing to show. If they win power again, they will always kick the can down the road.

    And it isn’t going to happen if Republicans are in power. No way. Because they know it helps them win, so why would they ever change it?

    This is similar to the talk 2 years ago about expanding the size of the Supreme Court to dilute the conservative vote. There was seemingly a new article on it posted every other day and how supposedly it could be done, blah, blah, blah… then the second that Biden got into office, everyone forget about it.

    Eliminating the electoral college would be a far bigger change, so the chances of it happening are zero. People need to move on and the Dems need to find a way to win with the EC in place.

  • It isn’t a problem with screen technology or processing technology or anything like that. We aren’t going to “tech” our way out of this.
    It is a biological problem and as such, I think the appeal of VR will always be rather niche.

    Even the best selling VR headset that I found online was the Quest 2 and it “only” sold like 15M units (honestly way more than I ever expected) with everything else being considerably lower volume. Compare that to the number of Nintendo Switches sold (130M) and you start to see how small the VR market is. I am very curious to see how the Sony VR2 will end up selling. I would love to get a pair, but I think all these headsets will be short lived.

  • Walk down the aisle of most union manufacturing facilities in the US, and you will see Trump sticker after Trump sticker after Trump sticker on people’s toolboxes. In a Union shop. This would have been unheard of a generation ago. Their Union representatives talk the big talk about supporting Democrats, but the rank-and-file union members go team Traitor. So pardon me while I have little support for all the union discussions in recent years because ultimately Democrats are fighting the good fight only to end up helping people who will vote these same Democrats out of office. And then don’t even get me started on Police unions. The clowns in here and claim all they want that police unions aRe DiFfErEnT, but in the end, they really aren’t. Police unions serve the same purpose that regular unions do, and that is defend the rank-and-file at all costs and that means keeping the bad apples from being fired.

  • Oh for fucks sakes, it isn’t going away, so you can stop fantasizing about something that won’t happen.

    Learn to win by the rules of the game.

    In basketball you don’t win a game by scoring the most 3-throws. The game is won by scoring the most points. Period. Stop acting like we don’t have a way to win. If one side is gaming the system, then find a way to work around it. Clearly they were smart enough to game the system, so find a way to game it back. Goddamn it these polls are incredibly annoying. Americans will find any excuse not to vote.