Bonus point if you replace Chrome with Mozilla!
In my country, men are asked the same questions and no one is allowed to give blood if they changed partners in the last 3 months. I imagine it is the same for women.
Landed my current job with a 30 minute zoom interview that I took from my previous office. This came at the end of an 18 month process during which I carefully selected potential positions. I applied to 20ish positions, got about 5-6 interviews and 2 offers. The first one fell through because they couldn’t match my previous compensation package. Definitely worth it
If something bad happens, just try to forget it. You’ll feel better!
Crossposting my meme from meme.lemmy…
It’s one of the Multivac stories, can’t remember which one though.
The whole system encourages such behavior: you need to publish to get a position, you need to publish to get funded, you need to publish to get exposure, your university and your department need you to publish to climb the rankings… In the end, there just isn’t enough material to justify that many publications or to allow a proper peer-review of all papers
Asimov wrote a story about super machines that governed the world out of environmental collapse and human extinction.
No pb with taste and smell. However, I experience difficulties staying focused when I talk, finding words, finishing sentences, especially at work
Doesn’t work with your title, mate
The USA are not America
Yeah! Am an Adventurer baby!
A guillotine!
Big corporations, screwing the environment, one greedy policy after the other
Can I have a raise?
Interestingly, some hdi Peugeot engines can go on forever
City buses in my town have specific horns for pedestrians, much quieter than those for cars
Eery bit is helping. No need to feel guilty about enjoying life. I hope one day my local council will provide shared cars for those special times when I really need one. They have them in bigger cities but not here.
The one I won’t need to buy once my local council has decided to create a really walkable and cyclable city
What about the Hulk???