
(He/him) Marxist-Leninist and amateur writer. I like cats, foxes, sci-fi, science fantasy, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Message me for my roleplay ideas!


Discord: LinuxFennekin#5514

Reddit: /u/HiddenLayer5

  • 50 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2020


  • Standup comedy is meant to be relatable, the best standup material makes fun of the writer’s real experiences and/or common experiences of the audience. This is just my hot take, but I think an AI writing standup comedy is and always will be completely soulless because the AI has never experienced anything and is just putting words together that it doesn’t even know the significance of, and is doing so purely based on the statistics of how real human standup uses those words. Even with AI acting out standup written by humans, they still don’t understand what they’re saying and the emotions they supposedly show are still based on statistics. If you find AI standup funny, you have that right, but I personally don’t and that’s just me.

  • The two biggest charity events he’s had, Team Trees and Team Seas, he did literally nothing but pitch the idea. He was giving away luxury shit and engaging in his usual hedonism during the period he was telling his viewers to donate, and it’s not like he did any of the work either, he just contracted with established environmental nonprofits. So why is he there again? Why didn’t he just tell people to donate to those nonprofits directly?

    Also, he definitely profited from both charity events and they were more marketing events for himself than anything. All the videos have ads and he made no mention of donating the ad revenue so one can only assume he kept it (because if he was going to donate the ad revenue he absolutely would not pass up on making that known to everyone), not to mention the amount of engagement it brought to his other videos and his brand as a whole. That’s also assuming he doesn’t do what most influencer charity campaigns do and directly take a big cut of the donations as a marketing fee or something.

  • I think looking at copyright in a vacuum is unhelpful because it’s only one part of the problem. IMO, the reason people are okay with piracy of name brand media but are not okay with OpenAI using human-created artwork is from the same logic of not liking companies and capitalism in general. People don’t like the fact that AI is extracting value from individual artists to make the rich even richer while not giving anything in return to the individual artists, in the same way we object to massive and extremely profitable media companies paying their artists peanuts. It’s also extremely hypocritical that the government and by extention “copyright” seems to care much more that OpenAI is using name brand media than it cares about OpenAI scraping the internet for independent artists’ work.

    Something else to consider is that AI is also undermining copyleft licenses. We saw this in the GitHub Autopilot AI, a 100% proprietary product, but was trained on all of GitHub’s user-generated code, including GPL and other copyleft licensed code. The art equivalent would be CC-BY-SA licenses where derivatives have to also be creative commons.

  • Well, Tony Stark is a fictional character in a fictional universe, so real science or how the real world works in general don’t need to apply to him and he only needs to conjure up some cool sounding tech words for the audience and the plot will do the rest. So Elon Musk is indeed like Tony Stark, only issue is he is also indeed the real life version so has no plot to back him up and all the rules of real life still apply.