• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Well, I’m not ready to have my world reset, thankyouverymuch.

    I’ve been around long enough to know that this ebbs and flows, and to know WHO put these billionaires in power. If you vote Republican, you vote for lies, for double-dealing, and the throwing away of the rule of law. They’ve been enabling this since Reagan, and people buy into it because Fox and other Republican-aligned Anger Engines will commiserate with you and point fingers are who they think is to blame…which is anyone other than Republicans.

    We’ve always had the power to stop them, but they keep us disorganized and fighting each other while they skin the cream off the top. Anarchy isn’t an answer - it’s a big nothing burger; no solutions, only more anger.

    What fucking scares them? Organizing. Us getting together and not buying their shill. Getting together and unionizing for better wages and work (hi Norway!). Getting together and taking those politicians and anger engines off their stage. Beware any politician or celebrity who acts like one of you but then tries get you to vote against your own best interests. These fuckers need to fear us, and nothing works better than turning those channels off, ignoring their socials and voting those politicians out. You want to get angry? Fuck the influence!

    Don’t give up. Giving up is giving in. Fight!

  • There is such clear anti-Apple sentiment on most conversations here, it’s frustrating to post and I tend to avoid the channel more now. Some will say it’s their opinion that Apple is now evil and these kinds of stories are needed to combat fanboy enthusiasm. But - The channel is /c/apple-enthusiast; so yeah, we should be allowed to be a bit fanboyish.

    I used to mod number of channels on Reddit, but especially on the Volkswagen ID.3 and electric vehicles channels there are so many people calling VW a pack of Nazis that I had to put a zero-tolerance in place so we can have decent conversations.

    You can say it’s free an Internet and people should be allowed to do whatever they want, but we’re all a bit older than that… Right? You don’t open the movie house and then let people come in and yell fire; you don’t open a shooting gallery and allow people come in and take shots at other people. We should have civil rules on civility here.

    Just my own opinion.

  • There are plenty of headsets out there already, and by “most people” can I assume “not gamers”? Headsets are in use for most people and architectural work or design or gaming… Just not for people in general. It’s a niche.

    The only reason for that is that there designs are based upon WHO they think their public IS and what they think the public can afford to buy. Their market defines the product, not the other way around.

    But like the iPhone, Vision is going to redefine what you can do with a headset, and in that it will redefine who the market CAN BE.

    When the price comes down enough maybe it will be for everybody, but for now, it will still be in niche item. It’s just that you’re gonna get a look at what a real headset can do, and I look forward to having my mind blown.