• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • You’re right, copyright laws were written ages ago when mass media was exclusively owned by big media companies. If there was ever a copyright dispute, the company’s lawyers would meet up with the other company’s lawyers and either settle or go to court, and both parties could easily pay for the legal fees because they were, you know, big media companies.
    But nowadays everyone can simply upload something that can potentially reach billions of people, which is unprecedented in human (or legal) history, and the legal system simply hasn’t caught up to this radical shift in the status quo. This is why Youtube has to compromise between the big media conglomerates with expensive lawyers and, well, the rest of us.

  • I think Germany has actually accepted a lot more responsibility for the atrocities they’ve committed, compared to nearly every other European nation guilty of colonialism and genocide. I have British friends who were taught almost nothing about Britain’s colonial past in school, while every German has to learn about the Holocaust in school.
    In a way I understand Germany’s reluctance to compare a Jewish ethnostate to Nazism, considering what they did to the Jews 80 years ago. But I think that comparison is completely justified and Germany should know better. Israel is an apartheid state, and Netanyahu is one Auschwitz away from being just like Hitler.