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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • While I do agree that it, at times, definitely stepped into ‘dumb femminism’ as you put it. I also acknowledge that it was a movie and to do a discussion on feminism justice it would require a lot more than 2 hours. So a lot got simplified, sometimes too much. I disagree with you that it was a constant attack towards men. The movie went wayyyyy out of its way to make it clear they were attacking patriarchal systems, not men in general. That’s Ken’s whole arc, he’s suffering under patriarchy too. He just also gets the benefits of the patruarchy while he’s suffering. If I had any criticism about the film it was how much it tried to avoid criticizing capitalism and corporate culture’s role.

  • This might have been acceptable 20 years ago but it’s not a strong enough policy today. Data theft happens all the time and it’s in the interests of a company who’s security has been breached to not tell you that your data has been taken. You should assume that at anytime someone has several examples of your login credentials, not just one. You should use a password manager that isn’t Chrome, Firefox, Safari, ect.

  • InputZero@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlThis is not REAL capitalism!
    2 months ago

    ‘Capitalism is the worst from of economy, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.’ - modified Winston Churchill quote. While I know how I use the quote in my head isn’t how Churchill intended, to me it means don’t settle for something just because it’s the best option that’s currently available.

  • They, right now, are comparing Marxists to Evangelical Christians and are circlejerking about it, lol.

    In what way are they comparing the two? Doing a comparison of Marxists against Evangelical Christians could be valid depending on the context of the comparison. Marx had a bit to say on religion’s role in the class struggle.

  • I was talking to a business owner the other day, and she offered me a wearhouse job out of the blue. Talking about how she can’t find good help, and how everyone slacks off or stops showing up on time. I refused but before I left I asked her maybe she has been looking for employees in the wrong place. If they’re all dumb and lazy, the common element is either her or wherever she’s looking. Needless to say she did not agree with my analysis and then called me dumb and lazy, but hey sometimes it’s just a failure to communicate. Some men, you just can’t reach. So you get what we had here last week. Which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it! And, now I don’t like, it anymore than you men.

  • Tipping my landlord, hell no! I did tip a live in superintendent at one building I lived in every Christmas. Dude lived a rough life but somehow found his way to maintaining an old building, and he was great at it. If you saw him on the street you’d assume he was homeless, but infact he kept a building housing many people running. He was very friendly, kind, and respectful. He was an exception, I’d give him a small gift, usually chocolate and a small gift card. He was a very good dude and that deserved to be acknowledged.

  • What is your benchmark for success? A brain chip that can augment reality? In my opinion the real potential for a brain chip is more of a technology to expand accessibility to people who can’t control their bodies. Also in my opinion, no one should trust Elon Musk or anything he makes so Neural Link I don’t think highly of. The potential to provide people with severe mobility challenges another means to interact with the world is something worth developing. That I can see happening in a decade or two. A general purpose brain chip, yeah a hundred years plus, if ever.

  • Where are you talking about and comparing to what? Cause I see a lot of people dying in the streets because of mental illness or drug addiction when I take the subway to work. We don’t throw them away like ancient Sparta but we definitely don’t come close to providing the services they need to the things they need to begin to get off the street. Cause the solution now is put the homeless in prison and that’s going just fine right? …Right?

  • So do not say to them I’ll talk to you when you’re acting like an adult. Patronizing a patient or family member will always end up badly. Just like it is not your responsibility to go into a burning room to save a patient, it is not your responsibility to endure physical and sexual abuse. Unfortunately, physical and sexual abuse is rampant in the healthcare sector and is something that every health care professional needs to learn to work with. That said, your facility should have a policy in place for just such an occasion. They should have educated you on it and you should never have any worries about when you use it. You should talk to your supervisor, the senior nurses, or your union rep so they can show you what to do. You shouldn’t be making decisions when that happens, you should be just following protocol.