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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Agreed. I find the people in my life who blindly support Israel know nothing of the history of Zionism prior to 1948 and think Palestine was given to Israel just because of the holocaust, almost universally omitting that there were already people there and the responsibility of all western governments (I’m considering Russia “west” here) in the oppression of Jews in the years leading up to, and after, the holocaust.

    The Behind the Bastards episode on Bibi Netanyahu talked about how he really got his start in the US as a lobbyist for the state of Israel and the media blitz Israel utilized to get both American parties to unconditionally support Israel. Most Americans are just propagandized af.

  • There’s few differences between the state structure of North Korea and Saudi Arabia yet SA doesn’t show up on that list. Also this axis of evil is very funny to me because it’s just clearly from the American perspective, even though the US is to blame (UK is too) for the current shitty Iranian government because they reinstated and propped up the unpopular shah after a democratically elected revolution in the 50s, thus creating the environment the Islamic Revolution used to thrive.

    IIRC houthis are Shia and their goal was to overthrow the presumably Sunni SA-backed Yemeni government. They have support from Iran due to Shia ties and are a thorn in SAs power projection in the region. The US is allied to SA and Israel and clashes with Iran so it’s not surprising they’re being used to disrupt western interests. They would clearly have no love for the US because of its weapon provisions to SA.

    China and Russia, both adversarial to the US, love this and are clearly using anti-US / west sentiments to their benefit, even though they both are trash authoritarian governments. This is all, likely, a ripple effect from colonialism. China and Russia benefit from the US / the west having to fight the consequences of their colonialism, though both are neo-colonialists themselves.

    TLDR: this is all not really that surprising.

  • I was specifically curious about the first source as I have heard from other sources (namely Behind the Bastards) that the US initially did not care much for Israel, the Soviets helped more, and it wasn’t until the early 60s after an aggressive lobbying campaign was Israel a solid US ally.

    The Wikipedia page on the 1948 Arab-Israeli war has this:


    Up to 100,000 Arabs, from the urban upper and middle classes in Haifa, Jaffa and Jerusalem, or Jewish-dominated areas, evacuated abroad or to Arab centres eastwards.[40]

    This situation caused the United States to withdraw its support for the Partition Plan, encouraging the Arab League to believe that the Palestinian Arabs, reinforced by the Arab Liberation Army, could put an end to the plan. However, the British decided on 7 February 1948 to support the annexation of the Arab part of Palestine by Transjordan.[41]

    And later:

    Thanks to funds raised by Golda Meir from sympathisers in the United States, and Stalin’s decision to support the Zionist cause, the Jewish representatives of Palestine were able to sign very important armament contracts in the East.

    Which suggests that initially the US government did not support Israel as the ABC article suggests. The reporting seems to get around the factual claims by just quoting their source, but I think that “Democrats for Israel” dude is stretching his historical claims.