• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I love the absurdity of game reviewers 😂

    • “This game is the pinnicle of its genre”

    • “This is the 1 game I would bring to a desert island”

    • “one of the most captivating puzzle games ever”

    85%, 88%, 70%, a C to a B. That is just above average.

    Meanwhile you get an absolute broken AAA piece of crap that barely functions, incoherant story, generic and boring and those same reviewers say “70-80%”. So there is a <10% difference between absolutely mastering a genre and releasing straight garbage?

  • Lol right? only people who don’t know how to cook think beans and lentils tastes bad.

    Lentils: boil in water or broth with paprika, pepper, bay leaf, and add salt half way through. 15in for red lentils, 20-25 for green.

    Beans are extremely versatile and can go in almost anything, for sure chickpeas can be cheap as hell protein for all sorts of dishes around the world if you don’t want to spring the rising costs for meat. They are dirt cheap canned and can be even cheaper dry and just need to be soaked then cooked.

  • Yeah office lens is pretty much unbeatable. Open source would be amazing, but I at one point had about 6 document scanners on my phone and none of them held a candle to lens…

    Microsoft is shit, but they have 2 apps that are not exploitative and are very great to use

    Authenticator and Lens. They don’t ask for any permissions that they don’t need. They don’t even require Microsoft account log in to work. They also have no ads, subscription, or premium prompts. Lens just requests files and camera. No location, no tracking, no cloud needed. It can simply be all local document scanning with great filtering,

    Authenticator can be used with only camera permissions and it also it able to to push auth with key pairs, a step above general TOTP (though I still use everything with Aegis outside of work).

    Not enshittified. Yet…

  • I have an ITX Ryzen 2700X with an arc A380. 3 HDDs and 1 SSD boot drive.

    Before some kernel improvements for the A380, my idle wattage was 60W. Without the A380 it was around 35W idle. I am hoping that it is around 45W now because of fixing the high idle wattage of the GPU but I have to measure again.

    Performance is great though. Perfect Jellyfin streaming, home automation, document and media management, file sync, recipe management, etc…

    People tend to over-spec their servers, in my opinion. Unless you are dealing with more than a few dozen clients or so on one server (or having a many-user dedicated streaming server), you really don’t need much.

  • I get the thought, but your phone can also have a security breach at any moment, ESPECIALLY because normal user error is by far the weakest and most often exploited attack vector.

    Bitwarden’s vaults are also encrypted with the option for even stronger argon2id encryption. Bitwarden themselves can’t access them or reset them. It is open source and most importantly, audited. KeypassXC has only had one audit ever. (Though that passed and I would also definitely recommend keypassXC, it is great software security-wise)

    The database is stored, encrypted, once on their server and once to each device you sync to, so it is available locally.

    Even if they had a security breach, by design the assailant couldn’t access your database any more than they could access your keypass database.

    You can also self-host it which would bring it exactly to the level of keypassX variants as far as attack surface.

    Not to mention with bitwarden, you will also only need one key. That is the whole point of a password manager.

    “It is available locally and a lot better…” is simply untrue. They are both great options. Just whatever works best for the person. Bitwarden has a ton more QoL options and enterprise options, plus separate, shared password databases and such for families and companies. Again, just as secure.

  • Compatibility and storage.

    Do you want only 2 devices of the 10 your family possibly owns to work?

    Do you want your family to complain that jellyfin “isn’t as good as Netflix/Disney+/etc…” Because it constantly stops to buffer and a can’t keep up the framerate?

    It is completely fine if you are single and have 1-2 devices that work with AV1 and h.265 client side and that is all you need, then you don’t have to bother with transcoding at all. When you start letting other people into it, compatibility becomes an issue.

    As for storing it beforehand, the entire point of AV1 and HEVC is to significantly reduce the size on disk. If you have to store 10 versions or each file, 5 resolutions each, half h.264, then you are taking up about 20x the space per file compared to 1 copy of HEVC or AV1.

    A transcode GPU like the A380 or new QSV compatible CPU is MUCH cheaper than a new good quality 12TB drive lol

    Sorry for the long text, it pretty much depends on the living situation.