Kobolds with a keyboard.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • Shortly after we moved in, someone was taking a shower in our second-floor bathroom, the bottom of the shower cracked, and they didn’t notice. End result was an entire shower’s worth of water draining out the bottom of the shower, flowing about 10 feet inside the first-floor ceiling, draining down through the hole from a light fixture, across the kitchen floor, down through the kitchen floor into the basement ceiling, soaking into a bunch of exposed insulation, and making that insulation collapse onto the (concrete) basement floor.

  • This headline, while factually accurate, is tonally misleading.

    He only used ChatGPT to get a definition of what a deepfake is, because he was having trouble defining it himself. He took a screenshot of the response, everyone knew it was from ChatGPT. The definition was thoroughly reviewed by humans and mostly accepted.

    The assumption I, and I assume most readers, made from the title is that he tried to use ChatGPT to do his job for him and the results were comical or disastrous in some way and that the article is going to be a name-and-shame piece, which it is not.

  • Local officials found that hundreds of cafés and e-sports venues in Yiwu were offering maid café-style services, with female servers forced to kneel to serve tea, massage male customers, and shout “Welcome home, my master!” to anyone entering.

    The procuratorate brought a public interest lawsuit to a local court, arguing that such services “belittle and damage women’s rights to human dignity.” They also said that some local businesses had failed to take measures to protect their female staff from sexual harassment.


    “Maid cafés have been a symbolic space where women are defaulted to being the subject of sexual exploitation,” Chen said. “The key to solving this problem should be educating the public to respect women.”

    Sounds like banning this might not be such a bad thing? Stricter regulation and severe penalties for violators would maybe help instead, but I don’t know enough about Chinese culture to really be able to comment on whether that would even be effective. At least taking steps to make sure this doesn’t continue is a net benefit, I think.

  • With those $300 dollars difference a landlord would need to cover insurance, property taxes,

    These are included in mortgage payments. They go into an escrow account and are paid by the mortgage lender.

    regular maintenance like replacing roof every 30 years, unplanned maintenance like a pipe bursts or aircon breaks. On top of that someone needs to act as the property manager/handyman so either the landlord takes that phone call on a Friday evening for the pipe that is gushing, or is paying someone to do that.

    Yes, that is part of owning property. Rent shouldn’t necessarily cover the mortgage plus all costs associated with owning the property. The property owner might be taking a loss during the period when they have a mortgage, but they have a property that’s probably worth hundreds of thousands of dollars or more, so they’re coming out considerably ahead. When you get people who feel they’re entitled to have all costs + the mortgage covered + be able to live on the profits in addition, that’s when you get shitty serial landlords who don’t ever meet or talk to their tenants.