Just a 🏳️‍🌈 bisexual ∞ neurodivergent 🇧🇷 brazilian 🚩 comrade that loves Berserk, JoJo’s and 🐧 Linux.

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2023


  • I’m not from the US but I’ll answer anyway.

    Like a comrade already commented, I think there’s a problem with the way you’re thinking of capitalism. It would be useful to know at least a few of these complaints you saw that feel like it’s only venting.

    Answering your question, I would like to see a planned economy where humans needs are put above profits. We can make a better world for everyone, instead of only for a extremely small part of the world that holds all the power.

    That being said, lawmakers cannot enact meaningful changes under capitalism like you suggest. This is not an opinion, it is how the system works. Allende in Chile is the perfect example of this, he tried to reform the system, suffered a coup and was assassinated.

    In capitalism the ruling class are the bourgeoisie, that is to say, the ultra-rich, and they as a class have interests that are the direct opposite of everyone else, the working class, the proletariat. This is a crucial part of capitalism, the system that Marx dedicated his whole life studying and describing.

    Because of this, every time workers rights are secured or better living conditions are achieved through the system, like free housing for the poor or public healthcare, the ruling class lose some of their power which they will get back eventually. Besides that, it is difficult enough to even get to that point because they will do everything to stop such rights and safety nets from being approved in the first place, as the ruling class can just lobby and buy politicians. It’s not a coincidence that public healthcare is not a thing in the US and that so many people are living in the streets, that medication is so expensive all over the world and that the US is so averse to unions still to this day.

    Capitalism will literally cook us alive, reform is not the way forward.

  • Kras Mazov@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlCommunist Filth/Capitalist Filth
    8 months ago

    You seem to be at least a little bit interested, I suggest you watch some videos on youtube so you understand it better, the channel Second Thought would be a good place to start.

    I’ll try to answer your concerns below:

    The current ideology of society is the ideology of its rulling class.

    Human nature, if anything is much more about collaboration and collective effort than greed, that’s how it has been for most of human history.

    That is to say, we precisely see so much greed everywhere because we live in a system that heavily incentivizes individuality and greed. From the way we are taught to the media we consume, it’s literally everywhere. We are heavily influenced to think and see things in this particular individualistic way.

    A society that puts human needs and collective effort above profits have a different way of viewing and interacting with the world than the way we do in capitalist societies. Besides that, if your concern is people abusing power, there should be mechanisms in place to account for that.

    My knowledge on this whole topic is not deep, but I guess something you could look up is democratic centralism to understand how hierarchy works in a marxist-leninist socialist state.

    Also, my understanding is that marxist theory is only dogmatic in relation to it’s method, as everything else about it adapts to the reality and the material conditions of the time and place it is to be put into practice.

  • Peaceful to who? It’s not peaceful for countries at war, neither for black people and other ethnic minorities in the US or here in Brazil since the police is racist and will kill for absolutely nothing. This can’t be ignored.

    Carrying the collective knowledge of humanity on our pockets is impressive and yet we are pushed sensationalized lies and disinformation for profits sake at every corner. Even when its not for profit, the status quo is so strong that other views and perspectives are easily dismissed. The whole internet is so heavily monetised you can’t use it properly without an adblock.

    I think this is a better perspective, since it screams that we need change, radical change, the current system cannot solve any of this.

    Neither doomerism, nor this positive way of viewing the world are gonna change it for the better, only fighting for it will.

  • I just started pirating again in the last couple of months after basically not pirating for years. Now fuck corporations lol.

    I pirate books for a few reasons, first is because knowledge should be free, second is because buying books gets expensive real quick and third because I can’t find everything I want to buy, sometimes pirating is the only way to get it. I like to have it physically when possible, tho.

    Entertainment (Series, Anime, Cartoons, Movies) I pirate because I’m sick of being a second class citizen of nearly every streaming service just because I’m a Linux user. I can watch netflix at 1080p with an extension on Firefox, and Crunchyroll doesn’t limit me in any way, but everything else is 720p or lower. By pirating, I even have 4k available. Also, fuck streaming prices and fuck netflix for charging extra for sharing an account.

    Software I don’t pirate because I prefer to use FOSS and in the case of games I don’t really wanna gamble if I’ll get a malware or not. Besides, I have a huge respect for the medium and I buy a game whenever I can.

    For music Spotify and Youtube is too convenient, I only pay for Spotify, tho. Revanced for Youtube on mobile and ublock origin + sponsorblock + return youtube deslikes on desktop is great.

    Besides all that, everyone should have access to knowledge and entertainment, it’s 100% justified for people to pirate, specially those that can’t afford it.

    Also, have you ever noticed that you have felt that the value of a product has decreased just because you didn’t pay for it, thus you are less interested to read it? i.e., had you paid for the book, you would have more likely read that book.

    When I used to pirate heavily a decade ago yeah, today not really, buying or not my ADHD is so bad I can’t get through easily anyway lol.