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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • They pioneered modern day planned obsolescence, they also popularised unrepairable electronics. They try to block or bastardise any right to repair bills. They force chip distributors to not sell chips they use so their products can’t be repaired. They make building applications for Mac at scale a huge pain in the ass and extremely expensive, the solution I recently built wastes insane amounts of power because of the way Apple licenses their stuff. Overall it’s a shitty company who fucks poor people in developing nations, fucks the environment and fucks it’s customers. I don’t care how well it may or may not work, fuck Apple.

    Also OSX ui is shit and annoying.

  • Pretty much yeah.

    When the kids weren’t passing, instead of trying to improve their circumstances and enable them to learn more successfully as well as up skilling the teachers, their solution was to lower the pass mark. This went on for years until the pass mark got to the 30% it is today.

    Then again, my Zimbabwean friend always reminds me of the time that the students were given a text book that was a year or two behind, and in protest they burned them all. There also needs to be a certain desire to learn and better yourself. There are also those who walk 1h+ to school and back every day in the sweltering heat, pouring rain and sometimes through rivers.

    The priorities of the government are really only to enrich themselves and keep the populous uneducated so that their propaganda works on them.

    I love my country but holy fuck, shits fucked back home.

  • I wasn’t trying to argue, that’s the point, like I said, I don’t bother reasoning with true Apple fans, because they’re weird about it. Hence me just going blah black apple dick sucker. I don’t feel like bothering with people obsessed with a corporation that abuses them.

    Luckily I don’t live in a country where iMessage even matters. But in the US I’ve heard some shitty stuff about the segregation, and it’s working, more people are buying Apple devices, often times not because that’s what they originally wanted. That kind of behavior is extremely predatory and generally not okay.

    I work with Apple build servers every day, and they’re such a piece of shit company that they even punish (read exploit) you for developing for their platform.

    Now my analogy was pretty succinct I thought. We have the general roads where all cars can travel on, and then we get apple roads that only Apple cars can travel on, and sure you can build 2 driveways at your house, one for the apps that everyone else uses, and one for your apple car, but going by the posts any time anything like this comes up, people would rather have their apple driveway and apple roads and only visit friends who also are on apple roads. And it’s BS manipulation.

  • I don’t think you’re interested in reasoning at all, hence my disinterest in doing so. The Apple fanboys believe that everything Apple is good, even if it’s against their own interests.

    I don’t like a company that deliberately manipulates people into recruiting more customers, like forcing them to exclude others from conversations because they have an android phone, but doing absolutely nothing to fix it, in fact, deliberately not fixing it and making the Apple users feel superior because “look what iMessage can do”. I mean yeah, I’ve been able to do what iMessage did since back when a thing called MXit or BlackBerry messenger was around. But of course there’s this assumption of superiority from the Apple users, because Apple is just superior right?

    I was using a touch screen phone for like a year and a half before the iPhone even came out, but apparently it was Apple who revolutionised the market.

    Just look at their shitty lightning cables, used for nothing but extortion.

    But, the Apple dick suckers, will suck Apple dick until the day they die, because Steve Jobs, the person who perfected modern day planned obsolescence and has caused millions of tons of unnecessary e-waste, told them that by owning an apple product, they are superior.