You know that scene with the guy on the castle wall in Monty Python and the Holy Grail that farts in your general direction?
Yeah, I giggled.
You know that scene with the guy on the castle wall in Monty Python and the Holy Grail that farts in your general direction?
Yeah, I giggled.
This title doesn’t mention it, but it was reported earlier that users editing their past posts against this move get banned for it.
I presume them using your data in whichever way they like, given where this was posted.
Joke: Why hate the disabled?
Wait, I thought dating jail bait was the best way to keep feeling young?
I wish them well.
Ah, mostly Spain and a bit of France. I doubt Spain’s going to budge. If they grant it, Catalans will also want one and no government wants to be the one who loses half the country to minorities.
I don’t know. Do they want to?
To be fair to them, I don’t know either.
It seems people love to hate.
You’re right or wrong depending on the country in Eorope. Some countries offered migrants asylum, but the migrants left for UK anyway. UK’s fame is larger than life.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
Issues can either be physical or psychological. Physical can be a natural defect, traumatic defect or production irregularity caused by external influence. Psychological causes can be singular traumatic events or periodical low-level accumulation of stress.
The course of discovery and treatment is narrowing down the possible causes and finding a solution for rehabilitation.
My presumption for sexsomnia is this:
As a side note, apparently eating too much fruit of the type that can ferment may act the same as alcohol and fuck up your liver.
Probably because they’re basically poison that has to be filtered out and fucks up your liver and kidneys.
Dunno. People have been crushed to death by cheese wheels. Not sure if any of them had a smile on their face at the time.