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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • What exactly do you think happens to people that actually threaten capitalism?

    The issue isn’t “speaking out” about problems. The issue is people attempting to overthrow the socialist system. Capitalism disappears and murders those of us that attempt to overthrow it just the same. You’re allowed to speak about problems so long as you are not actively trying to overthrow governments while doing so (and being effective at it). If you’re effective you end up like everyone in The Jakarta Method, like Allende, or like Assange. The US operates hundreds of blacksites all over the world and yet people pretend that people aren’t disappeared for being a threat to it. The lack of self awareness is perplexing.

  • Corbin saying that those regimes on balance did more good than harm is not the same as directly defending genocide as some of the programmers of this site do.

    This is literally what all MLs believe. All MLs acknowledge the mistakes of past socialist experiments the people that don’t are a literally tiny insignificant number of people inflated into a meme that is used to attack socialism in general. There are only too positions that have been used to create this myth and that is the idea that holodomor was intentional (it absolutely was not) which is used by nitwits to claim a genocide was performed by way of famine, and the xinjiang issues that were inflated into nonsense and then backtracked on by the US state department.

    The point generally is that tankie is a nonsense word used to attack the entire left and eliminate nuance. It prevents conversation. It is a thought-terminating word dumped into conversation by everyone that opposes socialism as a means of preventing any and all discussion that might make people think critically or understand any nuance that people in the left actually have.

  • The compulsion that you feel to distance yourself from past proletarian movements so that your attackers won’t associate you with the supposed atrocities of those movements only functions to move you further and further right. It doesn’t work because the attackers will do it regardless of how much you moderate yourself. This instinct leads you to not only distance yourself from their own goals, and to condemn your own movement, but to uphold reactionary lies about our movements, sometimes even outdoing those lies by exaggerating them, in order to further emphasize the attempt to distance. It doesn’t matter how much we try to twist and turn and distance ourselves from atrocity propaganda, rubbish will be heaped upon the graves of working class leaders.

    Functionally all this compulsion does is move you rightwards. You are attempting to make yourself more appealing to the right because you think that doing so will magically make people on the right suddenly like socialist politics. In the meantime they will attack you with every single piece of propaganda regardless, and you will moderate yourself even more. This deradicalises the movement and blunts the radical edge it requires to get things done.

    It’s exactly the same compulsion that liberals have that has caused them to move further and further right over the decades. Every time they get called a communist by the republicans they desperately try to move rightwards in order to get it to stop happening, it will never stop happening though because it is not said in good faith, and the tactic of accusing them of it works well in moving them right.