• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • No my point is, as a British person that uses the kettle A LOT we went out and bought one that heats up a single cup at a time, which is quicker than boiling a whole kettle.

    I fill it up like a kettle and it has a little chamber underneath that it fills and heats, then the boiling water comes out of a spout into the cup.

    After owning this type of kettle for over a decade I don’t think I can go back to a conventional kettle.

  • LifeBandit666@feddit.uktoMemes@lemmy.mlUncanny Valley
    1 month ago

    I call this feeling “The Holy Spirit” and no I’m not religious, hear me out.

    So there’s “The Father” which is you, in charge of everything.

    Then there’s “The Son” which is your Jesus, the bit of you that does shit mostly perfectly without any input from you. The scary example of this is when you drive to work and can’t remember the drive at all. Jesus Take the wheel. Teach your Jesus right and you can trust he’ll do things fine.

    Then The Holy Spirit, which is that part of you that sees everything, before the filters are applied, and let’s you know something is off. There’s no obvious reason for it, but there’s something off about this guy and we need to get away from him as soon as possible and never interact with them again.

    The Jesus part is the important bit for most of us. Learning to play the guitar? Teach your Jesus. When you’ve practiced enough you can just trust that Jesus will hit the notes while you concentrate on singing along.

    When I learned to Juggle I just taught my Jesus how to throw properly so it lands in the other hand.

    At work I teach my Jesus how to do the manual labour, do the checks I need to do, and I can concentrate on ripping on my work colleagues.

  • Yeah I don’t see why not. It should be as easy as SSH in to the half top, install Docker and have it run the Portainer client then just bang Portainer on your daily driver and start throwing docker compose files at it.

    Have a look at Gluetun for your VPN needs. I’ve basically got all my Arr in the same stack with Gluetun as the networking for the stack, then have other containers running independently that don’t need the VPN, like Adguard and Homarr.

    I’ve got a Gluetun appreciation post up that should get you started with it.

  • I was actively avoiding Docker too after I tried (and succeeded) getting Home Assistant running in Docker many years ago.

    It seemed like a confusing mess when I did it back then and the resulting Home Assistant container ran like a dream for many years until it didn’t and I had no clue how to get it working again.

    I ended up just throwing Home Assistant OS on thepi and it was very very simple to set up.

    Anyway that was then. This is now.

    I bought a mini pc in February and installed Proxmox on it.

    Initially I just wanted Home Assistant, Plex and some kind of way of populating Plex with media.

    I just ran VMs with bare bones programs installed in Windows. Problem is this took a lot of RAM and was flakey.

    Cut to now, where I have a Home Assistant VM, a Linux VM and an OMV VM for my NAS.

    The Linux VM has a bunch of Docker containers running that do everything my Windows bare bones VM did, but better.

    I can access the containers via Portainer and update them with a button press. I cannot access the VM GUI because I passed through my GPU which knackered the console in Proxmox, and that is absolutely fine, if I need to do anything in the VM I have SSH.

    My Linux VM uses less RAM than my Home Assistant VM, which is amazing considering what is running on it.

    Docker is where it’s at! Takes a little learning but with Portainer installed it’s all in one GUI instead of SSH in to create text files and folders.

    Yesterday I wanted to give Immich a try. So I found a tutorial on YouTube, went into his notes and found his GitHub and in there, his Docker Compose file.


    Now the caveat here is that I’ve had a few months of playing with Docker now. I’ve tried to get Immich running a couple times and failed in the past few months. But I watched this guy paste his code in and press go, then start talking about how it works, so I was pretty confident he had taken the time to have a working compose file.

    Wall of text to say get acquainted with Portainer and try installing and playing with some stuff. Bear in mind that it probably won’t work to start with and don’t rely on it until you’ve proven it out, but tinker with it until it’s working. Eventually you’ll get a feeling for it and it will become simple to you.

  • Thanks for that, yeah it’s kinda integral to an appreciation post, what is it exactly.

    So what Gluetun has done has replaced all the messing around with VPNs for me. Rather than having a specific VM for VPN tasks running using Mullvads app, I can now run the VPN stuff in my VM that was previously just for clearnet things at the same time as those things, without the additional app.

    I’ve just deleted the app and containers in the VPN VM and am repurposing it for trying out new things in Docker. Current project is Nextcloud AIO, which I’m failing at for now.

  • Hello again.

    I’ve gone through your steps outlined in this post now for LAN. I’ve made my own network name .crypt and added *.crypt to Adguard and pointed it at the IP address of Nginx.

    I’ve then gone and mapped my local services in Nginx. So radarr.crypt sonarr.crypt plex.crypt etc and mapped them to ports.

    Now what I enjoyed was that I had to map Adguard to forward to Nginx, but in Nginx I can use the IP address of anything on my network, not just on the host.

    So it’s map Adguard in DNS rewrites to Nginx IP, then map the IP:ports in Proxy Hosts in Nginx.

    Now when I use my Tailscale exit node (that I have from Home Assistant) I can use those addresses outside the house.

    I have noticed it only works for the .crypt domains, and not .local despite being set up as well. I guess because .local is a special address it is harder to map to Tailscale.

    Anyway, it’s working for me after following what you’ve done, I just did less in Tailscale because of the exit node

  • My words.

    When you read “Cloud” change the word in your head to “Someone else’s computer”

    So when I was using Tuya lightbulbs I was connecting Tuya’s Computer to Googles Computer to turn my lights on.

    Now I use Home Assistant, I’m connecting MY computer to Googles Computer to turn the lights on, since I’m asking Google to turn MY lights on.

    I can just not use the Google Cloud and have a voice assistant in Home Assistant do it, then I’m just using my own computer.

    Now then, you don’t think that all the photos you’ve ever taken reside in an app on your phone do you, because if you do I’ve got some news for you…