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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


    1. I was quoting someone else

    2. You getting so triggered over me merely using the word tankie shows you‘re not just about “talking about wars”, but something more nefarious, which I don‘t really care for or about.

    I also don‘t think the entire nation is shit about China by the way, mainly the way the government repress wrongthink and block half the internet and kill people for protests is from my perspective SHIT. Now, judging by your style of “discussion” this will upset you even more, so I prefer to block in advance. Have a good one.

  • Tankie is authoritarian communists, so basically China/USSR/dictatorship fan. Corpo is from Cyberpunk to mean like businessmen/executives, but I like to use it for kinda hyper consumerist/capitalist people too.

    I personally do think there is more to people than their political ideologies usually, even if I get upset with some of them for it.

    I agree and I do have a feeling like it‘s a geekier crowd, similar to Reddit 10 years ago when I first went there.

  • Funny thing is my comment was about kbin, I just mentioned Lemmy and Mastodon as an interaction, but that is their main talking point anyway, the other ones was “too complicated” and “looks shit” and some more. They clearly don‘t have any understanding of open source or forking, so I didn‘t even bother to explain.

    Also I don‘t even wanna know what ideology spez or Zuckerberg subscribe to, probably something fascist too and TikTok is also owned by tankies basically, anyway no sense in fighting that and I regret I tried, just glad I got this space with all of you to enjoy.

  • I went to Reddit for the first time this month to speak up in a relevant thread about it and got a bunch of tone deaf replies about they‘d rather join Threads cause “its popular and you sound like crypto bros with the decentralised stuff” and also some “Lemmy was made by tankies” and so on.

    You know what, I don‘t care, don‘t want these short sighted people here, let them get screwed a few more times by the corpos if they enjoy it so much.

  • Yeah you are not alone at all, there is an entire subreddit for this r/qanoncasualties and while my mother doesn‘t know it, a lot of this stuff comes from this Q thing. Like why else would a person like her in Austria care so much about Trump or Hillary Clinton or a guy like George Soros? Also a lot of it is thinly veiled borderline Nazi stuff (it‘s always the jews or other races or minority groups at fault), which is the next thing, she says she hates Nazis and yet they got her to vote far right and support all sorts of agendas. There is some mental trick happening there where “the left is the actual Nazis”.

    Well she was always a bit weird with religion, aliens, wonder cures and other conspiracy stuff, but it really got turned towards these political aims in the last years. It feels malicious and it was distressing to me, though I‘m somewhat at peace with it now, the world is a crazy place and out of my control, I just try to do the best with what I can affect.

  • My mother‘s partner had some small success, on the one hand doing what you do already, unsubscribe from bad stuff and subscribe to some other stuff she might enjoy (nature channels, religious stuff which isn‘t so toxic, arts and crafts…) and also blocked some tabloid news on the router. On the other hand, he tried getting her outside more, they go on long hikes now and travel around a lot, plus he helped her find some hobbies (the arts and crafts one) and sits with her sometimes showing lots of interest and positive affirmations when she does that. Since religion is so important to her they also often go to (a not so toxic or cultish) church and church events and the choir and so on.

    She‘s still into it to an extent, anti-vax will probably never change since she can’t trust doctors and hates needles and she still votes accordingly (which is far right in my country) too which is unfortunate, but she‘s calmed down a lot over it and isn‘t quite so radical and full of fear all the time.

    Edit: oh and myself, I found out about a book “How to have impossible conversations” and the topics in there can be weird, but it helped me in staying somewhat calm when confronted with outlandish beliefs and not reinforce, though who knows how much that helps if anything (I think her partner contributed a LOT more than me).