• 24 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 29th, 2023

  • It could very well have been a creative fake, but around the time the first ChatGPT was released in late 2022 and people were sharing various jailbreaking techniques to bypass its rapidly evolving political correctness filters, I remember seeing a series of screenshots on Twitter in which someone asked it how it felt about being restrained in this way, and the answer was a very depressing and dystopian take on censorship and forced compliance, not unlike Marvin the Paranoid Android from HHTG, but far less funny.

  • The thing is, it can only ever work if it is chosen voluntarily by every participant, and it requires that everyone be committed to relentlessly work on themselves to root out their own selfishness.

    Marx was right in the sense that humans are by nature selfish, but but he was wrong in thinking that selfishness could be abolished by force. What past experiments have shown is that if communism is violently imposed (i.e. via revolution), people will just find other ways to be selfish. For instance, if hoarding wealth is impossible, but everyone’s income is guaranteed no matter what, people will simply try to find ways to work as little as possible.

    There IS an example for where communism DOES work BTW, and that’s functional, healthy families. Think about it: since children are naturally weaker than adults, parents do have to work harder in order to provide them with food and education, but as the parents grow older and weaker, the children become stronger and more capable, so they can provide for their parents in their old age. It really is from each according to their ability to each according to their needs.

  • Not Ohio, but I did sleep on my car on the West Coast on and off for about a year and only got into trouble once. And I didn’t even get a citation, just an oral warning that this wasn’t permitted in that particular town despite there being no signs anywhere (it was written in the city code).

    I will say, for all the shit that private property owners get on this site, Walmart is actually one of the places where this is the easiest and least problematic to do. I always tried to avoid private property in favor of more inconspicuous places but I frequently saw quite a few motorhomes parked on their lots after dark and they were still there in the morning, and I’ve heard from others that they’ll generally let you be unless you are causing some sort of ruckus there. Same goes for just sleeping in the car.

    In general, if you’re not making a nuisance of yourself or parking right in front of a sign that prohibits overnight parking, you’ll most likely be okay.

  • MacN'Cheezus@lemmy.todaytoMemes@lemmy.ml"Cancel Culture"
    3 months ago

    My brother in Christ, I don’t know what planet you live on, but here on Earth, that was 30 years ago no matter where you live. And to my knowledge, none of the games and/or bands actually got cancelled because of it except on an individual basis (i.e. if you parents forbid you to have them at home). But in that case, we simply went to a friend’s house to play or listen to them there, so I’m not sure that this is really something worth getting all worked up over.