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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023


  • Dude, I was literally in another thread where someone posted a video talking about how many deaths FSD caused (17) and extrapolating those numbers by how many FSD miles were driven lead to fsd being 11x more dangerous than a humans driver.

    It had all sorts of upvotes.

    Except, those accidents were on AP which has multiple billions of miles driven, not FSD. The NHSTA has only said there was 1 fsd related death. Related, as in, not confirmed to be the cause of.

    They don’t even know what they’re mad about. And i get downvoted for showing the major flaw in their post.

    I bet they’ve never used, or had to acknowledge the warnings prior to using AP. Let alone the even more dire warning FSD gives (or gave prior to v12 anyway, not sure what today’s warnings are)

  • That number is like 1.5 billion now and rising exponentially fast.

    Also those deaths weren’t all FSD they were AP.

    The report says 1 FSD related (not caused by but related) death. For whatever reason the full details on that one weren’t released.

    Edit: There are billions of miles on AP. In 2020 it was 3 billion

    Edit: Got home and I tried finding AP numbers through 2024 but haven’t seen anything recent, but given 3 billion 2020, and 2 billion in 2019, and an accelerating rate of usage with increased car sales, 2023 is probably closer to 8 billion miles. I imagine we’d hear when they reach 10 billion.

    So 8 billion miles, 16 AP fatalities (because that 1 FSD one isn’t the same) is 1 fatality per 500,000,000 miles, or put into the terms above by per 100mil miles, 0.2 fatalities per 100 million miles or 6.75 times less than a human produces. And nearly all of these fatal accidents were from blatant misuse of the system like driving drunk (at least a few) or using their phone and playing games.