yep. i lived Avelon until development stopped, and Voyager passed it up. the continued development is the long term play. my only problem with voyager is it doesnt let you come back to where you left off. i leave the app to google up something before i post it and when i go to return the post has vanished.
i want non-volatile Voyager.
if you ever are feeling depressed/hopeless, go sit on the grass in a cemetery for a good minute. then visit a hospice, then visit a retirement home.
if you ever dont feel like doing some chore around the house, try doing it blindfolded or without your hands. it becomes awesome and hilarious.
if you find yourself trapped in a conversation, throw in a totally unrelated quote.
if someone is being mean to you, say their name and then stay silent.
oh and for sex stuff, be unpredictable and enthusiastic. many people are just missing FUN.