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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • We have different standards. I couldn’t live with myself voting for billions to Raytheon and Boeing like you do.

    Voting for a politician is not an open agreement with every action they take. I didn’t vote for billions to go to war manufacturers. I voted against Trump.

    You could do that without voting for “corporate run dystopia” by voting green party.

    Thus splitting the vote and landing us in Gilead, no thanks. I don’t want to get killed by the state for being LGBTQ+

    I’m consenting to neither.

    I’m literally not by casting a vote against it, and you are.

    Gonna straight up steal from a different user.

    "Voting does sort of make you complicit, honestly.

    But guess what? Not voting also makes you complicit. So does voting in a way that has no chance of having an effect based on the current rules.

    Basically, existing as an eligible voter, at least in a country where voting isn’t rigged (so like, Russians are off the hook here, for example) makes you complicit in your government’s actions.

    That’s kind of a big point of being in a democratic society - we are all, every one of us, responsible for the actions of our government.

    And if you don’t like that responsibility, I get it, I totally sympathize, because I agree. I hate that responsibility, especially cause I know damn well I’m not qualified to make those decisions. But I still am responsible, and pretending I’m not doesn’t change that."


    So bullshit. I’m assuming you voted 3rd party in 2016. You chose to vote in a way that had no chance of having any effect to stave off Trump. So you are complicit in Trump. You consented to Trump. And thanks to people like you, we are now losing abortion access. The SCOTUS is now openly debating if a president can have political opponents killed. The road of fascism we are heading down is directly a result of people limply throwing pissing their vote into the wind.

  • Name one time when you havent gotten a bottom of the barrel candidate?

    Summer Lee

    I’ve voted for her at least 4 times now to get her into office and keep her there throughout the last few primaries and generals.

    Look what they did to my boy Bernie.

    I am well aware, and I’m pissee off about that too. It should have been Bernie for the last 8 years.

    He wasn’t even ideal but at least he had a shot and the democrats you’re praising tanked him.

    I think you don’t understand where I am coming from. In no way am I praising the democrats that tanked him.

    They’re playing you, intentionally holding up an awful boogeyman constantly and saying “if you don’t vote for our piece of shit we’re gonna give you the bigger piece of shit.”

    Yeah, I know they’re using it to their advantage. It shitty as fuck, and a direct result of our electoral system. They know that third parties aren’t viable due to the mathematical requirement of the spoiler effect being a part of our current system. So they use it to their advantage.

    But there is the thing, under Trump, we may lose our right to vote. We might end up seeing a true dictatorship. He’s already floating the idea of a second Jan 6th.

    I’d rather live in the current corporate run dystopia than an outright fascist version called Gilead.

    The only way to win is not to play their game.

    Yeah, I’m really going to feel like I’m winning when I’m lined up against a wall under the next Trump administration.

    Maybe if they lose enough voters they’ll get the message but they sure as hell won’t if you keep letting them win.

    The Biden campaign managers know they’re losing voters to this shit, they aren’t that stupid. They’re gambling that the status quo will land them the most votes. It’s fucking stupid, but they clearly don’t care about losing votes to this issue.

  • How do you think you get electoral reform?

    Mass protests, general strikes, voting in progressives that actually stand a chance, etc.

    Because the democrats sure as hell are never gonna give it to you

    I know they won’t, which is why you vote in the primaries.

    You know who sure as hell are never gonna give it to you? Third party candidates. You can’t make reform if you don’t get voted into office in the first place.

    you keep voting for their garbage bottom of the barrel candidates.

    Genrrallt you don’t get bottom of the barrel candidates if you actually work to put forth good candidates in the primaries. And a bottom of the barrel democrat with always be better than an outright fascist republican.

    you’re trying to act like you’re the reasonable one but getting so damn belligerent.

    Hey, if you don’t like how I’m responding, maybe don’t start with saying things like

    • “build a better party instead of complaining.”

    Practice what you speak.

  • Olgratin_Magmatoe@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlIt's that easy!
    2 months ago

    I agree with everything you said except for your last paragraph. Scientifically speaking, it is not to late. Politically it is, but politics can and have swung wildly. Our best bet is the younger generation shows up to the polls and votes in green candidates. My local area has had some good success with this at least.

    As for the geoengineering, I can see that being the unfortunate case. I’m concerned it’s going to be a far dumber and dangerous version of it though, like intentionally nuking a remote islands a couple times to start a mild nuclear winter.

  • Olgratin_Magmatoe@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlIt's that easy!
    2 months ago

    That’s probably not possible, and it would be ineffective. The fossil fuel industry is still actively killing the planet, and will continue to do so for as long as they are allowed. The motivation to pollute will still exist even if we make carbon capture profitable.

    Here are some actual solutions:

    • A carbon/pollution tax. The cost of carbon pollution isn’t reflected in the price of oil barrels. Fix that, and then people will start switching away from fossil fuels. You can’t let the externalities be externalities, that’s how we got into this mess in the first place.

    • Ending the subsidies the fossil fuel industry receives, as well as tax breaks. Instead give that money to renewable energy sources

    • Fix our shitty ass transportation system. We are too dependent on cars & planes. Bikes, trains, and busses need to be viable, but they aren’t with our current infrastucture/lackthereof

    • Higher density residential building with mixed use zoning. How are we going to have a green world when it takes a half hour car ride to walmart to get groceries?

    Of course, none of these are really possible with money still in politics, and with voter apathy. But this is the pathway forward.