
  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • We moved our kids to a private school after school went remote and we saw first hand how terrible the teachers were. We were blown away by just how ineffective they were. Since moving to a private school our kids struggled for the first year but then really started to catch up and are now a couple years ahead of their old peers.

    We know others that just decided to switch to programs like K12.

    What I find weird about this article is that they should be celebrating smaller class sizes. This should allow them to spend more time helping the students that they do have.

  • Our house is a high traffic house where we have lots of visitors as well as 3 dogs so my schedule is going to reflect that.

    • Vacuum twice weekly. On Monday with a robot vacuum, then on Wednesday with a Dyson for a deeper clean.
    • Spot shampoo when there are accidents.
    • Shampoo all carpets once every 3 months.
    • Have carpets professionally cleaned once a year in the spring.

    Ultimately the problem is how dirt enters your home. Our house would be a million times cleaner if we didn’t have dogs. They track in dirt and it is just a pain to control.